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The Ability to Lasting Longer

The goal of every man is to impress their partners in bed.
Whether your partner is someone you just met or it is the girl of your dreams, there is a lot of pressure that goes with this matter.
Remember that this is a common problem and can be dealt with in a natural way.
The first step is to acknowledge it and overcome the embossment of finding the solution.
It is best to learn what is best that can work for you and your partner.
The first thing is to understand the way to stop early ejaculation.
Become acquainted with your own body.
Masturbation is the way to practice for sex.
It is best to think about the experience of sexual partner and not just your own.
It is advisable to know how your body feels and experiment.
When you feel like coming, back off a little.
This would train your body to avoid premature ejaculation.
Part of the problem is about physical.
Your personal biology is unique so make sure that you can optimize it.
Learn some breathing techniques during sex.
This can increase oxygen in the body that would reach the penis.
It would also slow down your focus.
Kegel exercise can help strengthen your muscles.
Flexing them would stop ejaculation.
It greatly controls the muscles.
You can also establish good pelvic control.
Another preparation is psychological.
It is a mental game.
Focus on your partner's orgasm rather than yours.
This would take the pressure of you.
Pacing is everything.
Think of foreplay as a delaying tactic.
Start slow and teasingly that can heighten the experience.
Tune into other things except your genitals.
There are positions that can stimulate the penis compared to others.
There are techniques that can help you avoid over stimulation.
The missionary position gives more control.
Take a break when you need to feel like ejaculating.
Focus on touching or kissing.
Avoid powerful thrusting.
Small and shallow moves can stimulate the sensory nerves.
Communication is important to avoid ending the experience soon.
Spooning is also a good position that can provide low penis stimulation.
This could give you a great control.
There are quite a number of herbal medicines that can help men from arousal to lasting long in the bedroom.
Viagra is one of the famous cures for erectile dysfunction.
It is essential that you seek treatment for erectile dysfunction.
This could be the main cause of premature ejaculation.
The herbal formulas can promote blood flow in the penis however there is no solid evidence that it can prolong ejaculation.
Prozac is known medication that can be effective in treating premature ejaculation however there are side effects that goes with it.
Exhaust every treatment until you find one that can cure premature ejaculation.

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