Simple Directions for Macrame Plant Holders
- 1). Measure and cut 12 equal sections of cord from the spool with scissors. Make each section 6 yards long. Cut another piece of cord 3 feet long.
- 2). Attach all of the 6-yard cords to one 3-inch ring with a larks head knot. Create the knot by folding a piece of cord in half. Pull the folded cord inside the ring, still folded. Bring the ends of the cord around the ring and through the folded loop you created in the cord. Repeat this process for each of the other 6-yard pieces. It should look like 24 cords hang from the ring.
- 3). Separate the cords into groups of four -- six groups in all. Create six square knots with the first grouping. Hold two of the four cords tight; these are filler cords.
- 4). Curve the the left cord over the filler cords. Curve the right cord over both the left cord and the filler cords. Curve the cord on the left under the filler cords, and curve the cord on the right over the filler cords. The end of the cord on each side should go through the loop the other cord creates. Repeat the process six times to make six square knots. Repeat the entire process on each of the other five groups.
- 5). Place the plant on the central ring of the pot hanger. Hold two separate groupings in your hands about halfway up the pot from where the pot's bottom rests in the hanger. Take two cords from each grouping and make a square knot. Repeat the process with the other groupings. You should be at the top or the top lip of the pot.
- 6). Tie the first half of a square knot. Hold two of the four cords tight. Curve the left cord over the two filler cords. Curve the right cord over both the left cord and the filler cords. Repeat the process until you have about eight inches of spiral. Repeat the process on the other cord groups.
- 7). Tie one full square knot at the end of the spiral. Measure two inches with a measuring tape, and tie another full square knot at that point. Push the second knot down so it sits flush against the first knot; this is called a picot. Repeat the process on the other cord groups.
- 8). String beads into the design, if desired, and create another picot.
- 9). Tie a series of square knots for approximately 12 inches to create a sennit, or a type of chain-like cord. Repeat the process on the other cord groupings.
- 10
Review cords to make sure the design for each section of cord is even and ends at the same place. - 11
Put all the cords through a 3-inch diameter ring. Use the 36-inch cord to make a wrapped knot around the others. Fold the cord about in half and make a loop at one end. - 12
Wrap the end of the cord at the end of the loop around the cord and the other cords five to 10 times. Pull the same end through the loop you've created once you've wrapped the cord around. - 13
Apply glue to the surface of the wrapped knot with a brush and let it dry. Cut the excess ends off all the cords for a more finished look.