How to Put in New Wallpaper
- 1). Remove old wallpaper and wash your walls to clean off any dirt or debris. Allow them to dry thoroughly before you begin.
- 2). Unroll your wallpaper sheets and cut into wide strips using a utility knife. Make sure to cut each strip so the pattern lines up easily with the pattern on the next strip. This Old House recommends cutting the strips 4 inches longer than your walls to leave extra paper to work with.
- 3). Apply paste to the back of the wallpaper strips with a paint roller if the strips are not prepasted. Soak prepasted sheets in water for 15 seconds and unroll. Lay the strips flat and fold the sides in until they meet in the middle. This activates the paste.
- 4). Measure the length of the strip you plan to apply and mark a vertical line on the wall using a carpenter's level to ensure it's straight and a chalk line to make the mark. Simply hold the chalk line string where you want your vertical line to go and snap it against the wall to leave a light chalky line that fades away over time.
- 5). Press the strip of paper onto the wall, lining the edge up with your vertical chalk line -- known as a plumb-line.
- 6). Smooth out the wallpaper from the center and press the top and bottom edges flat using a paint scraper. Hold the paint scraper against the edge where the wall and ceiling meet and cut away excess paper with a razor blade or utility knife. Repeat where the wall meets the floor molding.
- 7). Continue around the room applying your wallpaper strips. Cut away the wallpaper from outlet covers and other wall fixtures. Allow the wallpaper to dry for two to three days before moving your furniture back in.