Business & Finance Finance

5 Reasons Why Americans Can"t Save Money

Money does not grow on tree, you have to work very hard to earn your each Dollar.
The most difficult but most important thing to save the money too.
On the average, Americans are not much good in the saving department.
Not just because of their insensible behavior, but a major portion of their income goes to State Taxes, meeting their daily expenses.
Then there left a very little amount after that.
Here are the most common 5 points that why the Americans can't save much.
It's helpful to understand why people over spend, and be aware of any that might apply to you.
Lifestyle Maintenance
Most people increase their expense as quickly as they increase their income.
The problem is they can't give up their improved lifestyle when they face financial hardship.
Instant Gratification
"On Demand Video","Instant Pain Relief", "Fast Food" and "Buy Now, Pay Later" strategies affect badly.
Not only do we want it, but we want it NOW! 3.
Plastic Doesn't Feel Like Real
A Wallet doesn't get lighter when you charge things to your credit card.
It makes it a lot more easier to spend than you can afford.
Avoiding The Truth
How can you fear what you don't know? Some people are unaware of their financial situation and are afraid to find out the actual position.
They just pay their minimums and ignore their growing debts.
Keeping Up With The Jones'
As a Psychological fact, We want to be as Successful as others or even more than others around us.
what we don't realize is that the neighbors probably can't afford that new boat either.

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