Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Organize a Bathroom Closet

    • 1). Clean out all drawers and shelves in your bathroom closet, removing anything that is not in use, does not appear to be in good condition, or shows an expired usage date.

    • 2). Transfer medications stored in the bathroom to another location, such as the kitchen. The heat and steam in bathrooms can damage medications.

    • 3). Organize the items needing to be stored by placing them in drawers, baskets or bins according to category, such as towels and linens, nail care, first aid supplies, feminine hygiene products, hair care, soaps and lotions and cosmetics.

    • 4). Put items that need to be visible but sterile, such as cotton swabs, in transparent glass bottles or jars.

    • 5). Fold and arrange linens by size, type and color and stack them neatly. Place small or loose items in a small basket or plastic container.

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