Home & Garden Furniture

Matching the Various Styles of Contemporary Living Room Furniture

Materials for furniture are better and more durable and the modern living room tends not to be as spacious in apartments. Houses are built within the constraints of increasing building costs per square meter and less space available to build on. Modern day housing units are often designed to waste little space. All living rooms are the social centre of the house; it is here that one welcomes and entertains guests, it is where the family gathers to socialize, bond and have refreshments. Usually it is where music is played on the Music system. A TV is usually situated there too, so it is often a place for lounging, chilling out and generally relaxing. Contemporary living room furniture takes this into account and has to offer comfort as well as style.

Let us look at the various pieces that go into Contemporary living room furniture. Firstly there are the sofas. Old sofas tended to be huge monstrous things that weighed a ton and took up a lot of room. This style is nice and still available but it has been necessary to reduce the size drastically while still providing comfort and style. Whether you choose a fully upholstered lounge suite or buy ones where comfortable cushions fit onto a wooden settee structure size and comfort matters.

The upholstery is important too. Contemporary living room furniture tends to be upholstered in Leather. Leather is elegant, durable, easy to clean and doesn 't stain. It is great to sit on. It also doesn't go out of fashion. Some 150 year old leather seats are still to be seen and are as comfortable and stylish as they ever were. But there are many durable and coloured fabrics available which can suit any colour scheme you select for your living room.

Easy chairs play an important part in Contemporary living room furniture. If there is room the easy chair is for a sole occupant and generally will be of the same style as the sofas. But not necessarily as a single leather easy chair will fit in anywhere, and a stylish well made easy chair of a different pattern mat add contrast as long as the colours don 't clash.

The next essential in Contemporary living room furniture are the coffee tables. The coffee table is generally the same height as the seat and is convenient for reading material and a resting place for refreshments. Many choose to place a large table immediately in front of the sofa. Still others have smaller tables next to the sofas and easy chairs. And still others have nests of coffee tables that occupy little space when not being used. The most fashionable tables tend to be made of hard woods. Large ranges are available.

Standing lamps are a nice to have. Throwing light from immediately behind the sofa or easy chair they enable comfortable reading. Contemporary living room furniture standard lamps often have dimmers so that the lights can be adjusted to suit the mood and the needs of the moment. TV stands are a rapidly evolving part of Contemporary living room furniture. With the advent of Flat screen and big HD TVs the size of these may be reduced considerably. So nowadays these TV stands are of a suitable height but fairly plain and unadorned.

Contemporary living room furniture is available in a huge range and many different styles and colours can be found online.

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