Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

How to Control Swine Flu

    Advice for Avoiding Swine Flu

    • 1). Stay away from sick people. The virus is quite contagious and spreads from person-to-person in much the same way as other strains of influenza. If you suspect that somebody is sick, avoid them.

    • 2). Wash your hands frequently. The flu germ spreads when people cough or sneeze on other people or onto surfaces that other people might touch. Washing your hands will avoid spreading it if you are infected, and it will keep the uninfected from becoming sick.

    • 3). Get vaccinated against the swine flu to protect yourself. There has been some controversy about the vaccination, but according to the CDC, it is the best protection available. Keep in mind that the seasonal flu vaccine is different from the H1N1 vaccine. The CDC recommends getting both this year.

    • 4). Cover your mouth when you cough and cover your nose when you sneeze to avoid spreading the H1N1 virus. Wearing a mask is optimal, but if you don't have one, just use a tissue. If you don't have a tissue and need to cough or sneeze, cough into the crook of your arm.

    • 5). If you do come down with the flu, ask your doctor about Antivirals. Antiviral drugs can make your illness less severe and can cut down the amount of time you are sick.

      Antiviral drugs decrease the flu virus's ability to reproduce. Getting the annual flu vaccine is the best protection against flu; antivirals are the second line. The two antiviral drugs recommended by the CDC are Tamiflu and Relenza.

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