Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Public Speaking Is the Art of Communicating WITH an Audience

If you are looking for the best means of delivering a speech or presentation, the first thing you need to understand is that public speaking is a form of oral communication with an audience.
Too often, speakers do not recognize that this form of delivery is a 2-way street.
They assume that the role of the audience is to sit and listen.
That is partially correct; however, when your audience reacts to your words by means of a physical or even a verbal response, they are then taking part in your presentation.
Nodding or shaking their heads, smiling, frowning, laughing or even booing is the other side of the 2-way street.
As the speaker, you are responsible for being aware of their reaction to your message.
And, the only way that can occur is if you are making eye contact with those in your audience - all of those in your audience, not just a certain section or area of the room.
In order to satisfy the above requirement, you must treat your audience as if in conversation.
Many speakers manage to stand at the lectern, spit out a pile of words, speak at 100 mph and are most thankful to get it over with without having died in the process! That is not public speaking.
That is merely spitting out a pile of words at 100 mph! In truth, they have no idea what they said, how they said it, or how their audience reacted to their words.
And, in a delivery such as that, there is little, if any, reaction from an audience.
It is important to remember that you have a number of bodies in the room who are sitting there waiting to hear from you.
It is thus your responsibility to deliver the message that they are prepared to listen to.
It is also your responsibility to do the best job that you can do.
The only way that can happen is if you hold a conversation with them.
That is truly what public speaking is all about.
It gives you a freedom to be expressive and to show enthusiasm - not just for the message you are conveying but enthusiasm for those who desire to hear that message as well.
They are your reason for speaking.
Next time you are scheduled to speak, keep in mind that your delivery is truly a 2-way street.
Talk to them; not at them.

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