- 1). Visually check the soft gel to see if it is cloudy or clear. If it is cloudy, it is an indication that the quality is not very high or it contains fillers like soy and a smaller percentage of other potent ingredients like DHA and EPA.
- 2). Put one fish oil soft gel into a clean, dry foam cup.
- 3). Place the foam cup into a container that is wider and deeper than the foam cup.
- 4). Pour the boiling water into the cup and wait a few minutes.
- 5). Observe the cup. The cup should be deteriorating at this point. The foam cup is made of a substance similar to cholesterol which the fish oil breaks down in the arteries. If the cup is breaking down at a rapid rate, this indicates that you have a high quality fish oil. If it is not, the fish oil is of a low quality and is not very effective.
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