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Zen Web Design - Web Design Enlightenment

Web design Zen is all about balance.
So many webmasters will tell you that web design is all about content.
I believe they are wrong! My web design Zen epiphany has led me to the conclusion that web design is all about balance.
This article will investigate why it is so important to get the appearance, content and functionality of your web design right and offers some tips to do so.
Appearance without content is as hollow as a reed It is true that "pretty" websites that lack genuine and original content will fall short.
This is because without original content your search engine results will be poor and you just wont get visitors to see your "pretty" site.
However don't be fooled concentrating and focusing on your content alone wont spell success.
Content without presentation is a as a painting without paint.
Content is often touted as the magical bullet that will solve all of your web design problems.
The fact is you have all of the answers to your target markets questions, offer products and services with great value, and your sites appearance is not up to scratch people will navigate away.
Form without function is a lion without teeth You can add the best content and have great graphic design but if you site isn't easy to navigate and use visitors will simply navigate to your competition.
Web Design without planning is as an ill fated journey Web design planning is vital.
Ask and answer all of the important issues and write them down.
The best advice I can give is to consider all aspects of web design and organize the best approach to each element.
Precise planning provides a blueprint to success.
Balance in all things leads to the greatest successes.
By now you might have figured out the common theme.
One element without the support of the other fails.
The healthy and well considered web design balance will give you best chance of success.

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