Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How to Do a Side Part With a Widow's Peak

Things You'll Need



Using your fingers, draw a part about 2 inches to the side of the center line of your head that runs from your temple back to the crown of your head. This part can be made on either side, and should look gentle and natural, rather than a straight, sharp part.

After creating the part, brush the hair smooth using a regular bristle hairbrush.

Spritz your hair with a small amount of water from a spray bottle. Gently brush the newly parted hair so that is sits naturally over the top of your head and slightly over your forehead. This process incorporates and de-emphasizes the widows peak, while also coaxing the hair to lay flat in the new part.

Spray a tiny amount of hairspray on a clean toothbrush. Sweep the hairbrush over any stray hairs that may spring loose from the new part.

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