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Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms: Week 9 of Pregnancy

Week 9 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Welcome to your Guide to Pregnancy – Week 9.

Welcome to your third month of Pregnancy!  This month also marks the last month of your 1st trimester.  Your early pregnancy symptoms may be plugging right along.  At times, you may wonder what you have got yourself into.  Just remember to keep the big picture in mind.  This month (and trimester) will soon pass and you will be on to another set of discomforts as well as joys you can revel in.  All in all, what you go through now is for a very good cause…a beautiful bundle of joy!

Your little one has bloomed into a 1 inch fetus!  Little tiny muscles are forming that baby uses to twitch and make slight movements with – not that you are feeling them yet.  Give it time, in a couple of months you will be feeling full on kicks and punches as your baby practices his or her kung fu techniques you're your doctor may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with the use of a Doppler device.  If not this week, surely in the next coming weeks.

Your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit now and your clothes may need an elastic waistband for more comfort.  Your skinny jeans will be a think of the past, if they are not already. 

You may be in full force of pregnancy symptoms…or not.  Every pregnancy and woman is different.  You may experience some or all or none of these symptoms.  You may be losing some symptoms while a whole new set may be coming on. If you don't have any symptoms yet, consider yourself lucky!!

Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing are:
  • Frequent urination – day and night
  • Heartburn
  • Aversions to smells and food…or you may be craving foods that you never thought twice about
  • White vaginal discharge
  • Bloating and flatulence.  Many women mistake this for "showing" but unfortunately it is more likely that you are bloated
  • Breast changes – size, tenderness, tingling, veins, darkening of the areolas
  • Excess saliva
  • Nausea – with or without vomiting
  • Fatigue and/or lack of motivation
  • PMS-like symptoms such as weepiness, mood swings and irritability
  • Disbelief that there is actually a baby growing in your body or a new found calmness surrounding your pregnancy

If you are fighting with constipation – look at the prenatal vitamins you are taking.  They might be the culprit.  Ensure that you are eating plenty of whole grain foods and getting good sources of fiber.  Talk with your doctor about causes and cures.  If you are dealing with diarrhea – again the culprit may be your prenatal vitamin.  Make sure you speak with your doctor if you are having diarrhea often.

Thinking of purchasing an at-home Doppler?  Be careful of what you wish for.  Purchasing one now may put you in a panicking frenzy.  Most at-home Dopplers won't pick up the heartbeat at this time and will send you running to the doctor's office demanding an ultrasound to ensure your little one is ok.  If you do decide to purchase one know that they are not as effective as your doctors, the baby can move down in little bitty crannies where you won't be able to detect the heartbeat, and unless you are familiar with how to use one, it can take a long time to find the heartbeat, especially early on.  The use of a heartbeat monitor should never replace your prenatal doctor visits, heartbeat or not.

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