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Looking for Reviews of E-One IPL at Home Hair Removal System

Have you tried E-One hair removal system? It's a home hair removal device that uses IPL or intense pulsed light. I got an email from a reader asking me about this product. I have never used it, so that's where I thought another reader might be able to help. If you have tried it, please leave your comments and review for us in the hair removal forum.

I haven't seen a website that sells the E-One in the United States but have checked out the E-One website where the product can be purchased in Australia and New Zealand.

We know that IPL can't claim permanent hair removal, so I was surprised to see a bold statement. On the website's homepage it says, "The E-One uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to remove hair permanently in the privacy of your own home." I wish that was true, but it's just not.


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