Travel & Places Camping

What To Do In Camp So That Food Stays Warm

Enjoying warm food and the cool breeze just near your tent really feels good.
When you go out on a camp, it won't matter if you stay in the hills at a campsite or in the mountains.
What matters most is you take some time to return to where you came from and enjoy nature.
Cooking in the open using camping stove or just plain barbecuing is one of the great things camping has to offer.
Yet, when you go camping, you also have to deal with problems about food such as how to keep them warm.
More often than not, campers eat their food at once so that they won't have to eat them cold.
In the following paragraphs, you will find ways on how your food stays warm longer.
For your food to stay hot longer, you can store it in a pan and have the pan wrapped with cloth or newspaper.
You need not worry for your food can remain warm for additional fifteen to twenty minutes.
When out camping, it is great to eat vegetables.
However, it easily loses its warmth.
One way for you to enjoy vegetables without worrying about its warmth is to serve it mixed with sauce.
Not only will your veggies taste great but you can also enjoy eating it warm longer.
You can use your cool box in keeping your food warm.
How? By turning it into a hot box.
A cool box can be converted into a hotbox by trapping hot air released by the boiling water.
Place the food inside and close its cover tightly.
Through this technique, your food can remain warm for extra hours.
A flask can help in keeping your sauce hot while you're preparing your other ingredients for cooking.
All you need to do is use your flask as the container of your warm sauce and seal it while you are still cooking.
One of the problems in the camp is that not everybody gets to enjoy warm meal.
Some eat late and they have nothing left but cold food.
To ensure that everybody can enjoy the warm food, gather everybody before you serve the meals.
The next time you go camping, you don't have to worry about cold foods for you now know how to keep them warm.

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