Choosing the Perfect Tent Placement
When you show up at the campsites one of the most important things to address is where to place the tent. Don't give in to temptation to place it in the first spot that is large enough for it. There are several considerations to take into account to ensure a good nights sleep.
Level ground
First and foremost, you want to find an area that is as flat as possible. You need to know the size of the tent in order to know what size of flat space you are looking for. You may have to be creative and get a little further away from the main camp area. So don't limit yourself to placing the tent right next to the picnic table.
Now if you can't find perfectly level ground it is of utmost importance to place the tent in the correct orientation to the slope. You always want you head to be at the top of the slope. Feet at the bottom. You don't want the blood rushing towards your head during the night. Also if the slope is to your side you will constantly be rolling down hill all night. Either off your mat or into the person next to you.
Ground preparation
In most cases the ground under the camping tent will have a direct impact on how well you sleep. Spend a few minutes removing rocks and sticks from the area before putting down the footprint or tarp. If you skip this step you will be kicking yourself at 3:00 am. Even worse, if not you, then your camping partner will be kicking you. A happy wife€¦ If you can afford the room in your car a rake makes this job very easy. It also allows you to really smooth out the site and properly prepare the ground for a good nights rest.
This point might sound obvious but it is worth mentioning. Shade is an important factor and how you use it will vary depending on the ambient temperature. When the nights are cold you're going to want that morning sun to hit the tent as early as possible. And when your camping in the dead of summer you'll need that morning shade. It's amazing how hot a tent gets inside once the sun starts beating down on it. They can be like huge ovens! So summer is when this is most critical, definitely think about where the sun will rise and how to avoid it for the first couple of hours.
The short amount of time these items take to implement will allow you to enjoy your camping free from some common annoyances that plague many beginning campers.
Level ground
First and foremost, you want to find an area that is as flat as possible. You need to know the size of the tent in order to know what size of flat space you are looking for. You may have to be creative and get a little further away from the main camp area. So don't limit yourself to placing the tent right next to the picnic table.
Now if you can't find perfectly level ground it is of utmost importance to place the tent in the correct orientation to the slope. You always want you head to be at the top of the slope. Feet at the bottom. You don't want the blood rushing towards your head during the night. Also if the slope is to your side you will constantly be rolling down hill all night. Either off your mat or into the person next to you.
Ground preparation
In most cases the ground under the camping tent will have a direct impact on how well you sleep. Spend a few minutes removing rocks and sticks from the area before putting down the footprint or tarp. If you skip this step you will be kicking yourself at 3:00 am. Even worse, if not you, then your camping partner will be kicking you. A happy wife€¦ If you can afford the room in your car a rake makes this job very easy. It also allows you to really smooth out the site and properly prepare the ground for a good nights rest.
This point might sound obvious but it is worth mentioning. Shade is an important factor and how you use it will vary depending on the ambient temperature. When the nights are cold you're going to want that morning sun to hit the tent as early as possible. And when your camping in the dead of summer you'll need that morning shade. It's amazing how hot a tent gets inside once the sun starts beating down on it. They can be like huge ovens! So summer is when this is most critical, definitely think about where the sun will rise and how to avoid it for the first couple of hours.
The short amount of time these items take to implement will allow you to enjoy your camping free from some common annoyances that plague many beginning campers.