Know Your Procrastination Style Then Beat It!
When it comes to writing, take it from one who knows, some mornings, the idea of "Pick up your pens, put your fingers to the keyboard and: On Your Mark.
Get Set.
Go! Starting writing is not an easy task.
Believe me, if you're not writing, you're not alone.
But what's stopping you? You have ideas, right? You have a particular area of knowledge that you can claim as your own, right? Think about it...
do friends come to you for help keeping their plants alive? Are you the queen of fitting 25 hours of work into a 24 hour day? Perhaps you throw the best parties on a shoe string budget.
Even though you are armed with ideas, it's sometimes a herculean task to just put your butt in the chair and get to work.
You're still not doing it? Or have you taken the first step, put your butt in the chair, but now you're just staring at a blank screen? Well did you know there are five different types of procrastinators? I didn't and it was an eye opener.
Here are the five types of procrastination that I have read and heard about from various sources.
Which one are you? 1.
Escaping: An escapist procrastinator is a day dreamer.
If you are an escapist, you see the big picture but don't chip away at the steps to accomplish the project.
The escapist is akin to the relaxed procrastinator in that he or she spends so much time building the project up in her head that the work gets pushed to the side.
Scaredy-cat: This person is worse in stressful situations because they are unsure about their ability to complete the work.
This type of procrastinator feels they will work better if they spend time relaxing first.
BUT they spend so much time relaxing that they miss deadlines.
What to do first? If you suffer this style of procrastination, you know that the work needs to be done, but you can't make a decision.
It's the sheer act of making a decision that freezes you in place.
You spend so much time "what-if-ing" possibilities that the work never gets underway.
Chilling out: When it comes to laziness personified, the relaxed procrastinator is it.
Similar to the intelligent procrastinator, they feel the work is easy enough to put off until last minute.
They'd rather indulge in other activities than complete the work.
The know it all: An intelligent procrastinator feels that the project they've been given -- no matter how complex or how many interviews might need to be undertaken -- is simple and can be easily wrapped up.
They know there's a deadline but believe the project is so simple that they can start a day before it's due and easily complete it.
Their intelligence leads them toward laziness and their time management skills are almost non-existent.
It's gotta be just perfect: The perfectionist procrastinator is convinced that no matter what they write it will never be as good as they imagined it in their heads, so they never put pen to paper.
Knowing what type of procrastinator you are will help you come up with ways to address it and maybe, finally get the words to paper!
Get Set.
Go! Starting writing is not an easy task.
Believe me, if you're not writing, you're not alone.
But what's stopping you? You have ideas, right? You have a particular area of knowledge that you can claim as your own, right? Think about it...
do friends come to you for help keeping their plants alive? Are you the queen of fitting 25 hours of work into a 24 hour day? Perhaps you throw the best parties on a shoe string budget.
Even though you are armed with ideas, it's sometimes a herculean task to just put your butt in the chair and get to work.
You're still not doing it? Or have you taken the first step, put your butt in the chair, but now you're just staring at a blank screen? Well did you know there are five different types of procrastinators? I didn't and it was an eye opener.
Here are the five types of procrastination that I have read and heard about from various sources.
Which one are you? 1.
Escaping: An escapist procrastinator is a day dreamer.
If you are an escapist, you see the big picture but don't chip away at the steps to accomplish the project.
The escapist is akin to the relaxed procrastinator in that he or she spends so much time building the project up in her head that the work gets pushed to the side.
Scaredy-cat: This person is worse in stressful situations because they are unsure about their ability to complete the work.
This type of procrastinator feels they will work better if they spend time relaxing first.
BUT they spend so much time relaxing that they miss deadlines.
What to do first? If you suffer this style of procrastination, you know that the work needs to be done, but you can't make a decision.
It's the sheer act of making a decision that freezes you in place.
You spend so much time "what-if-ing" possibilities that the work never gets underway.
Chilling out: When it comes to laziness personified, the relaxed procrastinator is it.
Similar to the intelligent procrastinator, they feel the work is easy enough to put off until last minute.
They'd rather indulge in other activities than complete the work.
The know it all: An intelligent procrastinator feels that the project they've been given -- no matter how complex or how many interviews might need to be undertaken -- is simple and can be easily wrapped up.
They know there's a deadline but believe the project is so simple that they can start a day before it's due and easily complete it.
Their intelligence leads them toward laziness and their time management skills are almost non-existent.
It's gotta be just perfect: The perfectionist procrastinator is convinced that no matter what they write it will never be as good as they imagined it in their heads, so they never put pen to paper.
Knowing what type of procrastinator you are will help you come up with ways to address it and maybe, finally get the words to paper!