- Hangar floors are a frequent cause of accidents. They can become crowded with hoses, pipes, tools and other materials. It is important that pipes, hoses and other items be secured so that they move as little as possible. Keeping floors clear of materials that are no longer needed can also help prevent accidents.
- People working in the hangar or around the plane should avoid having loose items on their bodies. Jewelry, clipped-on tools and loose flaps on clothing can become caught or snagged, causing injury.
- Hangers should be built with fire safety in mind, with flame-resistant construction, appropriate ventilation and electrical systems, and alarm and sprinkler systems. Fire hydrants should be located nearby and hazardous materials should be labeled appropriately. Hangars should also be equipped with first aid and fire extinguishing equipment and employees should be trained in how to use them.
Loose Items
Fire and First Aid
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