Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Teach Your Puppy Quickly With Puppy Clicker Training

Training is an essential part of a good relationship between any dog and its people.
Even if you adopt an older dog that has a full repertoire of commands learned, practice sessions will not only reinforce those commands but build a stronger rapport between you.
Your dog will enjoy the time spent together, having a job to do, and the exercise of body and brain - if you go about training correctly.
If a puppy comes into your life, training is even more important.
You have a canine blank slate waiting to be shaped into a well-behaved dog; and if you neglect reinforcement of good behaviors and the drawing away from unwanted behaviors, odds are you will have an out-of-control terror by the time the puppy is full grown.
In training, you will hear the phrases positive and negative reinforcement.
The difference is vast, and while negative training was once popular, the excellent results gained by positive reinforcement has made it largely the training method of choice.
As an example, if you are potty training your dog, negative reinforcement would have you scold and punish the dog after it made a mess on the carpet.
Positive, on the other hand, would have you praise and reward the dog for relieving itself in the proper area.
Giving your dog a clear goal with a desirable reward is much more effective in creating wanted behaviors.
Clicker training is the method of positive reinforcement used by many professionals.
In basic clicker training, two elements are used to guide your puppy toward the actions you want: a clicker and a reward.
Eventually your puppy will come to learn that the clicking sound means that it has done the right thing and will soon receive a reward.
Because the clicker creates a more distinctive and quicker sound than using a verbal cue like "good dog" and is less likely to occur in casual conversation, it will help your dog learn more quickly exactly when it did what you wished.
The reward can be anything that motivates your dog to work, from food to a favored toy.
The key in puppy clicker training is that your dog associates that click with the forthcoming treat.
To start clicker training, do not ask your puppy to do anything.
Simply click and reward until your dog clearly recognizes that the two are linked.
Then, whenever you see your dog doing something that you would like to turn into a command, click as soon as you see the action, followed by the reward and a verbal cue.
For example, when your dog sits, click and reward.
After a few repetitions, add "good sit" as you give the reward.
Puppy clicker training is not only useful for such obedience commands as sit, come, and down, but also for any behavior you find cute, like sneezing, head tilting, or bowing.
Whether your dog will reach its full size at 10 pounds or 110 pounds, puppy clicker training will help ensure you have a happy, well-behaved companion rather than a stressed and stressful problem dog.

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