What Percentage of People Vote a Straight Racial Ticket?
The other day I was having a conversation at Starbucks with a political analyst here locally.
He's been out of the game for quite a while, but he had worked on some major campaigns in his life at the state and federal level.
Now he advises local politicians and works as a consultant of sorts.
We got to talking about race and politics, yes, I know two things you don't talk about, and you certainly you don't talk about them together in mixed company.
Just for kicks, I threw out the concept of folks who vote along religious lines, or folks who happen to be one issue voters, such as the along the lines for or against abortion or gay marriage, regardless of the candidate.
As we got into the dialogue much deeper, and I asked what percentage of people will only vote along a straight Racial Ticket.
For instance let's say there is a white woman and a black woman both running for president, what percentage of people will only vote for a white person, and what percentage of the American people will only vote for a black person in that case? And if a Hispanic person is running against the black person what percentage of our population will divide along racial lines? It turns out that as much as we like to claim that our melting pot in America is strong, and it is this diversity which is given us strength, we still have racial issues which we are not talking about.
And maybe we should was my point to this gentleman, although as soon as we do, one group is liable to feel that their race is being attacked.
Humans tend to relate and internalize their race, it becomes part of who they are, just like an athlete might wear a certain brand of athletic shoe, or only drive a BMW, or only use Apple Computer products.
It makes sense that if an individual is of a certain race, they will side and relate more with the candidate of their own race, and we have seen staggering and dramatic examples of people voting along the lines of race in several states in a few of the last elections.
The numbers and statistics don't lie.
There is a huge percentage of people who when given the choice will only vote for their own race.
Now then, in places like Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, and many other countries of the world the voters break along religious lines, or in the Middle East sectarian lines of the same religion.
I would submit to you that American voters are no better than anyone else in any of these other countries, and that many live in hypocrisy because they won't recognize the facts, or even revisit the statistics.
Indeed, the only people who look at these statistics are political operatives, as they choose which candidate to back, which campaigns to fund, and work to predict the outcome of the next election so they can get in good with that candidate in advance to help their business, cause, or agenda.
Look, here's the deal humans, you need to stop living in hypocrisy and look in your mirror and solve these problems.
Until these problems and challenges are solved there will be no true progress with this species.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
If you have any comments, concerns, questions, and or case studies you'd like to share with me, you may shoot me an e-mail.
He's been out of the game for quite a while, but he had worked on some major campaigns in his life at the state and federal level.
Now he advises local politicians and works as a consultant of sorts.
We got to talking about race and politics, yes, I know two things you don't talk about, and you certainly you don't talk about them together in mixed company.
Just for kicks, I threw out the concept of folks who vote along religious lines, or folks who happen to be one issue voters, such as the along the lines for or against abortion or gay marriage, regardless of the candidate.
As we got into the dialogue much deeper, and I asked what percentage of people will only vote along a straight Racial Ticket.
For instance let's say there is a white woman and a black woman both running for president, what percentage of people will only vote for a white person, and what percentage of the American people will only vote for a black person in that case? And if a Hispanic person is running against the black person what percentage of our population will divide along racial lines? It turns out that as much as we like to claim that our melting pot in America is strong, and it is this diversity which is given us strength, we still have racial issues which we are not talking about.
And maybe we should was my point to this gentleman, although as soon as we do, one group is liable to feel that their race is being attacked.
Humans tend to relate and internalize their race, it becomes part of who they are, just like an athlete might wear a certain brand of athletic shoe, or only drive a BMW, or only use Apple Computer products.
It makes sense that if an individual is of a certain race, they will side and relate more with the candidate of their own race, and we have seen staggering and dramatic examples of people voting along the lines of race in several states in a few of the last elections.
The numbers and statistics don't lie.
There is a huge percentage of people who when given the choice will only vote for their own race.
Now then, in places like Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria, and many other countries of the world the voters break along religious lines, or in the Middle East sectarian lines of the same religion.
I would submit to you that American voters are no better than anyone else in any of these other countries, and that many live in hypocrisy because they won't recognize the facts, or even revisit the statistics.
Indeed, the only people who look at these statistics are political operatives, as they choose which candidate to back, which campaigns to fund, and work to predict the outcome of the next election so they can get in good with that candidate in advance to help their business, cause, or agenda.
Look, here's the deal humans, you need to stop living in hypocrisy and look in your mirror and solve these problems.
Until these problems and challenges are solved there will be no true progress with this species.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
If you have any comments, concerns, questions, and or case studies you'd like to share with me, you may shoot me an e-mail.