How to Make Blogspot Blogs "Dofollow" and the Difference Between Dofollow and Nofollow Links
Now if you're a web developer or the like, you will probably know what dofollow and nofollow links are.
But for the layman I will explain what dofollow/nofollow is and how to change a blogspot blog, into dofollow.
Well then, dofollow technically doesn't exist.
What it is, is when a link is posted it can contain an attribute that reads 'rel=nofollow'.
This means that search engines will not factor this link in when they rank your pages, thus you get virtually no benefit from commenting on a nofollow blog because not many people will click on your comment URL.
Sure, a nofollow link from a high traffic page, in a good position, will earn you traffic, but that link will not count for anything as the search engines see it.
A dofollow link is basically one without this 'rel=nofollow' attribute.
It is seen by search engines and they count this link when working out how to rank your site in their indexes (I'll talk about the importance of better/worse links and what they are, in that series I keep saying I'll; trust me I'll do it next post!).
So commenting on a dofollow blog is useful.
There are drawbacks of a dofollow link though.
If a lot of links are dofollow on a page, they get the link juice split between them.
I'll talk about this in my next post.
How then, I here you asking, do I make my blogspot blog's comments dofollow, so that people can benefit from it?
But for the layman I will explain what dofollow/nofollow is and how to change a blogspot blog, into dofollow.
Well then, dofollow technically doesn't exist.
What it is, is when a link is posted it can contain an attribute that reads 'rel=nofollow'.
This means that search engines will not factor this link in when they rank your pages, thus you get virtually no benefit from commenting on a nofollow blog because not many people will click on your comment URL.
Sure, a nofollow link from a high traffic page, in a good position, will earn you traffic, but that link will not count for anything as the search engines see it.
A dofollow link is basically one without this 'rel=nofollow' attribute.
It is seen by search engines and they count this link when working out how to rank your site in their indexes (I'll talk about the importance of better/worse links and what they are, in that series I keep saying I'll; trust me I'll do it next post!).
So commenting on a dofollow blog is useful.
There are drawbacks of a dofollow link though.
If a lot of links are dofollow on a page, they get the link juice split between them.
I'll talk about this in my next post.
How then, I here you asking, do I make my blogspot blog's comments dofollow, so that people can benefit from it?
- Go to Blogger layout and click "Edit HTML".
- Check the box reading "Expand Widget Templates".
- Search for "NoFollow" using a word processor or other program.
You will find at least two of them in your template's code. - Remove "rel='nofollow'" from the tag that begins with "a expr:href="/links/?u=data:comment.
authorUrl" - The second nofollow is for trackback URLs.
This displays links to blogs that link to your post.
You may choose to keep this attribute or not.
It's up to you. - And that's it! Your blogspot blog has now been made dofollow.
You can submit it to dofollow search engines to garner even more traffic!