Business & Finance Blogging

The 9 Days of Chris Brogan"s Blogging Secrets - Showcase Your Community, Be Consistent, Use Old Stuf

Showcasing your community, made up of all the people who read and comment on your blog, is a great way to give back to your community and generate more conversation.
Chris Brogan tells you just how to showcase your community in his "27 Blogging Secrets to Power Your Community.
" The showcase secret is number 24 on Chris' list, and in this article I tell you what happened when I implemented that secret on my home business blog, along with two other secrets.
The other two secrets have to do with posting consistently to your blog and occasionally pointing to your old material.
Secret #24: Showcase Your Community This is a brilliant blogging idea from Chris.
Chris shows off his community of people who read and participate in his blog by having a Rockstars page.
People can submit their blog info and Chris posts it on the Rockstars page.
On this page people can see who else is in the community and check out a bunch of new blogs.
It's almost like an early version of Twitter.
I love this idea so I put up a Cool People page on my blog with a similar submission form.
This tip wasn't hard to implement on my home business blog but I had difficulty putting the submission form directly in my blog page code.
I ended up setting up an html page and directing people to that page to submit their info.
Aside from this little glitch this secret was fairly straightforward.
Time Spent: 45 minutes Dinero Spent: $0 Secret #25: Be Consistent This one is a big, "Well, duh!" It's not really a secret but it is definitely a good blogging principle to follow.
It doesn't really matter how frequently you post to your blog, but once you pick a schedule stick to it.
I post to my home business blog three days a week and, with the exception of when something really catastrophic hits me, I stick to that schedule religiously.
On the surface this principle seems simple but you will probably find, as I often do, that in practice it can be difficult to follow.
But practice makes perfect.
This secret doesn't take much time or money to implement, just the regular application of elbow grease and effort.
Time Spent: 3-4 hours per week (posting 3 days a week) Dinero Spent: $0 Secret #26: Occasionally Point to Old Material Chris brings up a good point here.
Since you are constantly bringing new people into your community it's good to occasionally point to your old material since the new people have never read it.
Plus, this helps you out on days when you feel brain-dead and can't think of a thing to post.
I have started mixing in some short posts that point to old material on my home business blog and have found this to be a real time-saver.
While it normally takes me an hour or so to complete a blog post, linking to older material takes about 15 minutes.
Time Spent: 15 minutes Dinero Spent: $0

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