Health & Medical Mental Health

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

    Impaired Central Nervous System

    • When a person drinks alcohol, the alcohol is absorbed in the bloodstream and travels all over the body and to the brain. Alcohol is classified as a depressant. Depressants decelerate central nervous functions. This causes some of the messages that are attempting to get to the brain to be blocked. Thus, problems occur dealing with emotions, perception, hearing, vision and movement.


    • Limited quantities of alcohol may help a person to feel relaxed. However, too much alcohol results in intoxication. One person may become intoxicated with just one or two drinks; others may have a higher alcohol tolerance. A person who is intoxicated may appear quite confused, may be unable to walk properly and may dramatically slur when she talks. Some people become friendly when intoxicated, and others may become very mad. Driving while intoxicated is prohibited, due to significantly reduced reaction times and impaired vision and judgment.

    Alcohol Poisoning

    • Alcohol poising may occur when excess quantities of alcohol are consumed during a relatively short time. The first sign of alcohol intoxication is severe vomiting. Other symptoms that may occur are fatigue, breathing troubles, seriously low glucose levels, passing out or seizures. Severe alcohol poisoning can lead to death.

    Long-term Effects of Alcoholism

    • Alcoholism occurs when an individual's body becomes alcohol dependent. Alcoholism can have devastating effects on the body. Liver problems such as hepatitis and cirrhosis may occur with heavy drinking. Excessive drinking can also have negative effects on the digestive system. In addition, blood pressure may increase and lead to serious cardiovascular problems, and diabetes may develop as a result of heavy alcohol consumption.

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