Don"t Make These Phone Psychics Faux Pas! 3 Mistakes Many People Make When Calling a Psychic!
Are you thinking about calling a phone psychic? Are you interested in an inexpensive reading that really DOES help you see your future? Are you unsure what to ask..
or equally as importantly, what NOT to ask when calling a psychic? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at telephone psychic readings, and I'll share my own thoughts on the mistakes I hear people make when they do! Ready to learn more? Continue reading on below as we take a closer look! Mistake #1: Trivial Questions Do NO ONE Any Good! It always amazes me how many people will ask trival questions of telephone psychics.
What did I have for breakfast? Who is my favorite actor/actress? What is my favorite color? These things not only are NOT going to help open a wide window into your power and potential, they also sort of insult the psychic to boot! Remember..
a good psychic reading is not supposed to be a "prove it to me session" or carnival of sillyness, it's supposed to help offer you an illumiating insight into the wonderful world that COULD be yours.
(when you are ready to sieze what the universe wants to offer) Mistake #2: Death Questions These are often uncomfortable for everyone..
and unless you are speaking to a medium specifically, I usually recommend you DON'T ask about "death".
(especially your own!) Lots of people will ask a psychic the "when am i going to die" question...
and this is really a difficult thing to answer honestly anyway.
(because everything a psychic sees is just a potential path...
and CAN be changed contingent on what you do with the information you get either now...
or in the future) Mistake #3: Confrontational Questions Don't challenge the psychic with things that are confrontational and comabative.
Often times people get very emotional during a reading...
and that's a natural thing.
But don't get combatative if you hear things you don't like..
as it really does you, or the reading, any good! Remember, a good psychic is there to help, aid and assist YOU in creating and manifesting a future that is optimal, happy and healthy.
The more rapport, trust and openness you allow yourself to build..
the more information is likely to come through! (and for both of you to boot!)
or equally as importantly, what NOT to ask when calling a psychic? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at telephone psychic readings, and I'll share my own thoughts on the mistakes I hear people make when they do! Ready to learn more? Continue reading on below as we take a closer look! Mistake #1: Trivial Questions Do NO ONE Any Good! It always amazes me how many people will ask trival questions of telephone psychics.
What did I have for breakfast? Who is my favorite actor/actress? What is my favorite color? These things not only are NOT going to help open a wide window into your power and potential, they also sort of insult the psychic to boot! Remember..
a good psychic reading is not supposed to be a "prove it to me session" or carnival of sillyness, it's supposed to help offer you an illumiating insight into the wonderful world that COULD be yours.
(when you are ready to sieze what the universe wants to offer) Mistake #2: Death Questions These are often uncomfortable for everyone..
and unless you are speaking to a medium specifically, I usually recommend you DON'T ask about "death".
(especially your own!) Lots of people will ask a psychic the "when am i going to die" question...
and this is really a difficult thing to answer honestly anyway.
(because everything a psychic sees is just a potential path...
and CAN be changed contingent on what you do with the information you get either now...
or in the future) Mistake #3: Confrontational Questions Don't challenge the psychic with things that are confrontational and comabative.
Often times people get very emotional during a reading...
and that's a natural thing.
But don't get combatative if you hear things you don't like..
as it really does you, or the reading, any good! Remember, a good psychic is there to help, aid and assist YOU in creating and manifesting a future that is optimal, happy and healthy.
The more rapport, trust and openness you allow yourself to build..
the more information is likely to come through! (and for both of you to boot!)