Health & Medical Mental Health

Ways to Increase Creativity

When we try to define creativity, we often consider only artistic pursuits.
A creative person paints or draws, sings, writes, or otherwise creates something new and valuable.
But even people who do not work in explicitly creative fields must develop new ideas or insights in order to progress in life.
While you may think that creativity is something that you're born with, it's actually something you can learn and improve.
So how do you increase creativity?The following ways to increase creativity will help you develop the skill that contrary to popular belief is not restricted to artists, musicians, and writers.
Make a Commitment As you would when you're trying to develop any skill, you need to commit yourself to increasing your creativity.
You should put some time aside each day or week to work on your creative skills.
Also, don't forget to set goals or ask for help from your creative friends and colleagues.
Seek Inspiration Yes, creativity is a learned skill, but finding a source of inspiration is a great first step in unleashing the skill.
Inspiration can come from anywhere.
It can be a person, an object, a part of nature, a memory, or even your own motivation for change.
You might also want to try brainstorming or similar techniques to inspire new ideas.
You won't always need to rely on a particular source of inspiration, but in the early stages of developing your creativity, try to find something that moves you to create.
As you practice your creativity, you'll be less reliant on specific forms of inspiration.
Surround Yourself with Creativity If you want to develop a particular kind of creativity, then surround yourself with examples of it.
Do you want to increase your artistic skills?Go to museums, flip through art books, or join an art class.
Essentially, you want to immerse yourself in your area of creativity.
You can study and develop the methods of other creators, and you'll be able to clarify your creative goals.
Sound Therapy Another, more concrete way of increasing your creativity involves sound therapy.
Recent research shows that certain sounds (classical music, for example) can actually strengthen your creativity brainwaves.
From improving alpha brainwaves to promote creativity to improving concentration and learning, music influences your brain activity.
Alpha brainwaves are specifically related to brain efficiency as well as visualization skills, dreaming, and creativity.
Ultimately, if you are looking for ways to increase your creativity, it's important to remember that everybody has the basic skills necessary to create.
There is not one type of "creative person," and if you've never developed these skills, it's not too late.
Follow the tips above and you'll discover your true creative ability, and it will take you to places you never dreamed possible.

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