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Surviving Mother-In-Law Day 2010

In case you don't know, National Mother-in-Law day is Sunday October 24, 2010.
This day was created to celebrate the woman who was thoughtful enough to give birth to your spouse.
Celebrating Mother-in-Law Day How will you celebrate Mother-in-Law day? This is a great opportunity to form a tighter bond with your extended family.
You may choose to purchase gifts, go out to dinner or send flowers with a card.
If you're not sure what to do for Mother-in-Law day, talk to your spouse.
They can help put you on the right path - and may have questions of their own.
Mother-in-Law Problems Believe it or not, there have been documented cases of spouses not getting along with their Mother-in-Law.
I know, I know.
It seems like every extended family should just snap together like pre-fabricated plastic blocks.
That's not always the case.
So how can everybody just get along? The first step is to gain support from your spouse.
If your Mother-In-Law doesn't show you the respect you deserve, talk to your significant other and explain how you feel.
Be very cautious about what you say.
Remember that you are talking about the other person's mother.
Working Together Once you've started talking, the next step is to find solutions.
This may involve setting boundaries on how much time you spend with in-laws and asking your spouse to "have your back" during conflicts.
Ask your spouse to make it clear that they expect their parents to treat you with consideration.
Suggestions, advice and constructive criticism might be acceptable, but attempting to control your lives is not.
Do you give your parents a good impression of your relationship? It can be easy to dwell on the negative aspects of a marriage, but remember that your attitude does influence how they feel.
If you only bring up negative qualities, that will affect how people think about your significant other.
Try to focus on the positive.
Ask your spouse to do the same.
Married couples must figure out what works for them.
Establish your boundaries, and stick to them.
Two Way Road We all want to receive respect and consideration from in-laws, but do we give it? The goal is to create a better relationship with your Mother-in-Law, not to push her away.
Everyone must be willing to compromise and make the extended family unit work.
Some of this may be easier said than done.
Learning to live with an extended family can be difficult.
With a little patience and pleasantness, you may come to discover that you appreciate your in-laws.
Putting in the effort is worthwhile.
It can help improve all of your relationships.
Happy Mother-in-Law day to moms with married kids everywhere!

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