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Home Remedies For Poison Oak - Treat This Infection Naturally

The skin irritation caused by poison oak is not life-threatening, but it is terribly bothering. Symptoms usually disappear in a couple of weeks and over the counter medicine and home remedies for poison oak don't actually cure the condition, but provide relief from itching and other symptoms. Massaging the affected skin area with salt is believed to stop the irritation from spreading although it doesn't help much in what concerns symptoms alleviation.

The first thing that should be done if you suspect you have been in contact with poison oak is to wash your body with cool water. Make sure you also cleanse the clothes and any other items that might have been contaminated. Pay attention to pets which might have reached areas with poison oak. Once the cleansing is complete, you can already start applying natural remedies. Banana peels seem to be very effective if you rub them on the affected skin. Apparently, citruses peels also have a soothing effect.

People affected by poison oak should by all means resist the temptation and the urge of scratching their skin. Scratching can spread the infection and can leave ugly marks on the skin. Certain home remedies can be used in order to reduce the itching sensation. Apply mashed raw potatoes on the affected skin as often as you consider it necessary in order to get rid of the bothering itching sensation.

Oatmeal is one of the most known home remedies for this problem. You can either take oatmeal baths or you can make an oatmeal paste and apply it over the irritated skin. Both methods are effective and make you feel better.

Peach tree leaves are good home remedies for this problem. They can be used both topically and internally. Make a tea out of peach tree leaves and use it both for massaging the irritated skin and for drinking. You will soon start to notice an improvement in your condition.

Vinegar is helpful in numerous skin conditions and it is also one of the best home remedies for poison oak. You can rub vinegar directly on the skin or, if you consider that this is too strong to be used undiluted, you can make a mixture of water and vinegar.

Herbs can be excellent home remedies for this problem. You can make your own remedy from mixing aloe vera juice, goldenseal and comfrey. Aloe vera juice can also be used as it is in order to cure poison oak.

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