Common Household Pests that Pest Control in Minneapolis Will Tackle
Let pest control also become a regular fixture in your household chores calendar like cleaning out the attic, dusting and washing the carpets, and emptying the cupboards and cabinets to give them a thorough scrub. For even if you keep your house—both the exteriors and the interiors—in squeaky clean condition, pests can find their way in and be a nuisance and more. Insects can bite or sting. Some of them may also be carriers of various diseases and can transmit these to people or pets living in a house. And unknown to many, there are even insects that may invade houses and damage the structures.
Do you live in Minneapolis? Then here are some common household pests that you need to be wary of and go in for pest control in Minneapolis:
1. Dust Mites: These are notorious for causing allergies, probably second only to pollen. Dust mites trigger asthmatic reactions in some people and are also known to cause allergic rhinitis and eczema. Particularly disconcerting to those prone to asthmatic attacks is the fact that dust mites can invade your house all throughout the year, unlike pollen and molds.
2. Rodents and Termites: Rat and mice infestation and termites pose serious threats to the structural foundations of a house. The insistent gnawing at wires by rodents also leads to grave fire risks. What is troubling about rodent infestation is the fact that rats and mice tend to multiply quickly. So, Minneapolis residents beware! You need to go in for pest control in Minneapolis to not only get rid of the problem but also detect any infestation even when no signs are visible to the naked eye.
3. Ants: They are probably the most common of all household pests. Ants mostly swarm in places where food has been left uncovered. Ants may also cause graver damages. For instance, carpenter ants often burrow through rotten wood to nest and this may damage the structural foundation of a house.
Amongst the various species of ants, fire ants probably strike the most terror in the hearts of farmers and livestock owners. These ants bite cattle and poultry and cause itching and burning sensations. These animals and birds then may scratch themselves raw, in order to get rid of the burning sensation and this in turn, increases the chances of them developing infections.
So it is imperative that pest control measures in Minneapolis are carried out not only inside the house but also all around in the premises you reside in.
1. Fleas: Fleas bite both human beings and animals. These bites are painful and cause burning and itching sensations. These pests are also carriers of many harmful micro-organisms and hence cause diseases like bubonic plague.
If you too find yourself pestered by pests, then immediately go in for pest control in Minneapolis. There are quite a few pest control companies that will do the job effectively for you.
Do you live in Minneapolis? Then here are some common household pests that you need to be wary of and go in for pest control in Minneapolis:
1. Dust Mites: These are notorious for causing allergies, probably second only to pollen. Dust mites trigger asthmatic reactions in some people and are also known to cause allergic rhinitis and eczema. Particularly disconcerting to those prone to asthmatic attacks is the fact that dust mites can invade your house all throughout the year, unlike pollen and molds.
2. Rodents and Termites: Rat and mice infestation and termites pose serious threats to the structural foundations of a house. The insistent gnawing at wires by rodents also leads to grave fire risks. What is troubling about rodent infestation is the fact that rats and mice tend to multiply quickly. So, Minneapolis residents beware! You need to go in for pest control in Minneapolis to not only get rid of the problem but also detect any infestation even when no signs are visible to the naked eye.
3. Ants: They are probably the most common of all household pests. Ants mostly swarm in places where food has been left uncovered. Ants may also cause graver damages. For instance, carpenter ants often burrow through rotten wood to nest and this may damage the structural foundation of a house.
Amongst the various species of ants, fire ants probably strike the most terror in the hearts of farmers and livestock owners. These ants bite cattle and poultry and cause itching and burning sensations. These animals and birds then may scratch themselves raw, in order to get rid of the burning sensation and this in turn, increases the chances of them developing infections.
So it is imperative that pest control measures in Minneapolis are carried out not only inside the house but also all around in the premises you reside in.
1. Fleas: Fleas bite both human beings and animals. These bites are painful and cause burning and itching sensations. These pests are also carriers of many harmful micro-organisms and hence cause diseases like bubonic plague.
If you too find yourself pestered by pests, then immediately go in for pest control in Minneapolis. There are quite a few pest control companies that will do the job effectively for you.