Health & Medical Parenting

Busy Moms - Never Again Dread the Question "What"s For Dinner" - The Number 1 Fool-Proof T

As a busy Mom you are a pro at dealing with the good, the bad, and the ugly.
But there is one question that strikes dread into the heart of every busy mom.
A question that you face daily: "what's for dinner?" Even "foodies" who enjoyed food and cooking before having kids often come to dread this question once they become Moms.
So what's the #1 fool-proof trick for busy Moms to never dread the question again? Have a plan.
As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
It may seem obvious.
And, it may seem like yet another thing to add to your "to-do" list.
But, taking 1 hour a week to meal plan will save you time, money, and stress.
And, who doesn't want to save time, money, and stress? Save Time: While it may feel like meal planning is one more thing to fit into your crazy, busy life, it actually ends up saving you time.
First, because you have your grocery list for the week, you will only have to go to the grocery store once.
Second, because you're not worrying about coming up with a plan for dinner, you'll be able to concentrate on other things on a daily basis - making you more efficient and saving you time.
Third, because you have a plan written down (and not just in your head), partners and older kids can better share the responsibility.
Save Money: First, by going to the grocery store less often you will spend less money on extra items.
Every aspect of the grocery store is designed to get you to spend more money.
Examples include:
  • Keeping basics in the far corners of the store so that you have walk around the whole store to pick up bread and milk.
  • Designing shelves so that the most expensive items are at eye-level and at the ends-of-the-aisles.
  • Stocking unnecessary, fun items at the checkouts for instant gratification - e.
    gum, candy, magazines.
By going to the store less often you will be less exposed to these techniques and you will spend less.
Second, because you only buy what you are planning to use, less food will go bad and you will throw less food out - meaning less money wasted.
Third, having a plan will mean less last-minute trips to the drive-through and less take-out.
Home-made pizza costs much less than delivered (and can be just as tasty).
Save Stress: Having a plan will save you the stress of coming up with something "on-the-fly".
It's like the difference between memorizing your lines to act in a play and doing improv.
Busy Moms without a meal plan are doing improve every night, and for the toughest crowd of all - their family! So save yourself some stress and create a script.
That way you will be freed to better enjoy dinner with your family.

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