Health & Medical Depression

Hopelessness - Things Can Be Better

Imagine what it would be like to have no hope in your life? Or do you already feel that way? Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
To be hopeful is feeling inspired or optimistic about future events.
What if you felt that things in your life will never improve or feel that there is no solution to a problem? Hopelessness is often felt by people who suffer from depression and should be taken very serious as it is a warning sign for suicide.
Before I go any further, if you know of anyone feeling this way or if you are feeling this way, there is help.
Call 1-800-suicide.
Hopelessness can also be a little less serious.
If you are thinking things like: I will never find love again, I will never be happy, there's no use in trying or I will never be able to do that, then there are a few things you can do to overcome those thoughts and feelings.
Challenge your negative thoughts.
In other words change your thinking.
Do you remember a time when you had a broken heart and never thought you would get over it? Well, you did.
Always remind yourself that things change and you have overcome challenges and feelings of hopelessness before.
Reach out for support.
There is no shame in feeling like you have come to the end of your rope in whatever it is you are trying to achieve.
It can be hard to reach out to people to let them know how you are feeling but you are human and we all have felt that way at one time or another in our lives.
People will want to help support and encourage you.
Be good to yourself.
Instead of putting negative thoughts in your head about how you are feeling, turn them into positive thoughts.
I remember the day I heard that we are our own worst critics.
We talk worse to ourselves, about ourselves, more than anyone else.
You are just as worthy as any other person out there.
Never forget that.
If you are feeling hopeless today, I suggest making a change.
Do something different.
If you don't exercise, then go exercise.
If you have never gone to see a movie by yourself, then go and see a movie you would enjoy (no sad movies!).
If you want to try a new craft, go to a craft store.
Know that you have the power to push yourself through.
No one can do it for you.
However, if you do have a real mental illness, then you need to get some kind of help and there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Otherwise, do not wait for life to happen, you make it happen! As a reminder, I am not a medical professional.
I am someone who deals with my own mental illness and know from prior experience what has helped me and am sharing it with you to hopefully shed some guidance but do not ever count on my words.

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