Limited Mobility, How to Improve Your Activity Level by Self Motivation
If you don't use it, you lose it.
And nowhere is that more true than when it comes to your activity level.
If you don't use your muscles, your muscle mass decreases.
You won't be able to do the things you used to, not run as fast, not jump as high.
If you have had a period of inactivity, for instance after surgery, the older you are, the longer it seems to take to recuperate.
Your natural physical build has something to do with it also.
Some people by nature are just must more athletic than others.
My 80 year old mother in law could skip rope 80 times when she was 80, without stopping.
Very few of us are that lucky.
We really don't need to be able to do that.
But we do need to stay active, and sometimes that is very hard to do.
Sometimes you have to force yourselves to be active.
It can be very hard to do when everything hurts.
And that is where subliminal power comes in.
One of the most helpful self improvement techniques, it can give your subconscious those little pushes to get active.
How does it work? While I work on my computer, the screen will flash a very short message telling me to walk, or be active.
It does this 700 times per hour.
I work on my computer on average 5 hours per day, so 3500 times per day my subconscious receives those messages.
I am speaking from experience.
Having had numerous surgeries on my legs, damage is done and the circulation in my legs is bad.
The most important thing for me to do is keep moving.
Yet sometimes that is the thing you don't want to do.
You have to motivate yourself.
There is a lot of skepticism about subliminal messaging.
It is used by lots of athletes; they use it to motivate themselves, to improve their golf game.
I use it to increase my activity level, to motivate myself, and it works.
The program on my computer has my own messages on it.
After I started using it, within a week I noticed that my activity level had increased by at least 300 %.
And it has been increasing ever since.
Now, three months later, I am a lot more active, my legs are in better condition and because of that, I am even more active.
I won't ever be able to skip rope 80 times, let alone 40 times, but that is not my goal.
Anyone who has limited physical ability and knows it is their own fear or willpower that is holding them back, give subliminal messaging a try.
I'm glad I did.
To learn more about this program visit: http://www.
And nowhere is that more true than when it comes to your activity level.
If you don't use your muscles, your muscle mass decreases.
You won't be able to do the things you used to, not run as fast, not jump as high.
If you have had a period of inactivity, for instance after surgery, the older you are, the longer it seems to take to recuperate.
Your natural physical build has something to do with it also.
Some people by nature are just must more athletic than others.
My 80 year old mother in law could skip rope 80 times when she was 80, without stopping.
Very few of us are that lucky.
We really don't need to be able to do that.
But we do need to stay active, and sometimes that is very hard to do.
Sometimes you have to force yourselves to be active.
It can be very hard to do when everything hurts.
And that is where subliminal power comes in.
One of the most helpful self improvement techniques, it can give your subconscious those little pushes to get active.
How does it work? While I work on my computer, the screen will flash a very short message telling me to walk, or be active.
It does this 700 times per hour.
I work on my computer on average 5 hours per day, so 3500 times per day my subconscious receives those messages.
I am speaking from experience.
Having had numerous surgeries on my legs, damage is done and the circulation in my legs is bad.
The most important thing for me to do is keep moving.
Yet sometimes that is the thing you don't want to do.
You have to motivate yourself.
There is a lot of skepticism about subliminal messaging.
It is used by lots of athletes; they use it to motivate themselves, to improve their golf game.
I use it to increase my activity level, to motivate myself, and it works.
The program on my computer has my own messages on it.
After I started using it, within a week I noticed that my activity level had increased by at least 300 %.
And it has been increasing ever since.
Now, three months later, I am a lot more active, my legs are in better condition and because of that, I am even more active.
I won't ever be able to skip rope 80 times, let alone 40 times, but that is not my goal.
Anyone who has limited physical ability and knows it is their own fear or willpower that is holding them back, give subliminal messaging a try.
I'm glad I did.
To learn more about this program visit: http://www.