Home & Garden Architecture

How to Install Dentil Moldings

    • 1). Cut the end of a dentil molding strip with a mitered cut at a 45-degree angle. Use an adjustable circular saw so you have a nice clean cut. The miter must start at the front surface of the molding and move to the back at a 45-degree angle toward the edge of the strip.

    • 2). Miter the opposite end of the first molding strip with a cut that is opposite the first. In other words, the cut should start at the back and move toward the front at a 45-degree angle toward the edge.

    • 3). Tack the molding to the top of the wall with finishing nails and a hammer. Countersink the nails so that the heads go into the wood slightly. Repeat the cutting and nail process in Steps 1 through 3 with additional molding strips until you get to the final piece for a section of wall.

    • 4). Measure the wall for the final piece of molding to fit along its length. Measure from the back end of the previous molding strip, which has an open space for a mitered board, all the way to the end of the wall.

    • 5). Cut the end of a piece of dentil molding in the same manner you did in Step 1.

    • 6). Measure the length of the molding to equal the measurement from Step 4 starting from the back tip edge of the miter cut. Mark the length on the molding with a pencil. The end mark is for the end of the miter cut that will fit into the corner. Transfer the mark to the back of the dentil molding.

    • 7). Adjust the circular saw to make the miter cut starting at the mark and go inward to the front of the molding. Tack the molding in place once it is cut. Repeat the entire process for each wall.

    • 8). Fill in the tops of the countersunk nail heads with wood putty. Let the putty dry and then sand it smooth. In addition fill in the seams between the pieces of dentil molding.

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