Easy Install Bamboo Flooring
- Just as you would with regular hardwood flooring, you will need to let the bamboo flooring acclimate before attempting to install it. Bamboo has a tendency to expand a bit more than regular wood, so you will need to set the exposed flooring out in the room you want to install it in and allow it to acclimate for at least 72 hours before installation. You must also be careful to check the humidity and temperature levels in your home before attempting installation. You can use a moisture meter to check the moisture levels in the subfloor and the bamboo. If there is a three percent or more difference in temperature between the subfloor and the bamboo you should delay installation. This will save you the headache of trying to lay expanding bamboo.
To ensure an easy installation process you should make sure that your subfloor is as clean and even as possible. If you are using adhesive to attach the floor boards, you will need to make sure that the subfloor is cleared of all wax, oil, paint or any other contaminants that would interfere with the adhesive bond. - The easiest way to install bamboo flooring is the adhesive method. This technique can produce more satisfactory results than bamboo floating-floor snap-lock planks. Follow the manufacturer's instructions closely to avoid making simple mistakes that unnecessarily complicate the process. You will spread the adhesive with a notched trowel along the subfloor and place the bamboo planks immediately onto the wet adhesive. Let the starter rows along the walls and edges dry and become secure before laying the rest of the flooring. If a plank is bowing into a banana shape and not completely attaching to the adhesive, you can use straps or light weights to force the plank to adhere. This will save you the trouble of trying to repair gaps or misalignment later and having to lift and redo flooring to reach the problem area. Using the adhesive method, you should be able to complete installation in one day, and the process is literally as simple as gluing wood. Installing bamboo flooring using the adhesive method can produce very durable and secure results if you purchase quality glue and bamboo products.