Flirting Body Language and You
Flirting body language starts right from your entrance into a room.
When you walk into a room show everyone that you are in control.
Stand or sit proudly like you own the place.
When you mark where you are going to stand or sit scan the room.
Look at all of the women slowly.
Look at each woman and pay attention to the woman that holds her eye contact.
Give her a little confident smile and a slight head nod.
Do not gaze away, let her gaze leave yours first.
You can learn about her body language attraction by this simple rule: After the woman stops gazing at you, if she looked to the right or the left she is not interested in you.
If the woman looked down after gazing, this is the flirting body language you are looking for.
When a woman looks down she is showing submissiveness and she does not even know it.
(Unless of course she studied flirting body language.
) Looking down implies that she is interested.
You will also see her fix her clothing, touch her lips or bite her lips, touch her hair and/or sit up straight.
This is the woman you want to go up and talk to, not the woman that looks to the left or the right after looking you in the eye.
If you are confused at the women who do not look you in the eye and just stare off into space, these women probably did not wear their glasses.
Some women take their glasses off when they go out to attract men.
Too bad for them that they did not get to see you look at them to find out if the two of you are attracted to each other by body language attraction.
Other flirting body language signs are a woman that is in a conversation with you and reaches over to touch you.
She may be agreeing with you and touches your arm or she may be laughing at something you said and pat you on the arm.
Either way she is flirting with you.
Flirting body language also is the woman who does not stand and talk to you with her arms crossed in front of her.
This means she is closed off and not into sharing information at this time with you.
If she is slightly bent forward, she is intensely listening to you and she is interested in learning more about you.
A recap of the flirting body language consists of the woman holding her gaze with you and then looking down, touching her hair, touches her lips or face, bites her lips, sits up straighter and/or once you stand or sit by her, she leans in towards you.
When a woman takes her finger and rubs it around the rim of the drink she has, this shows she is very interested in you.
She is teasing you and if you treat her well, you may get lucky that evening or in the near future.
By learning the proper signals of flirting body language you are going to easily find the women that are interested in you.
When you walk into a room show everyone that you are in control.
Stand or sit proudly like you own the place.
When you mark where you are going to stand or sit scan the room.
Look at all of the women slowly.
Look at each woman and pay attention to the woman that holds her eye contact.
Give her a little confident smile and a slight head nod.
Do not gaze away, let her gaze leave yours first.
You can learn about her body language attraction by this simple rule: After the woman stops gazing at you, if she looked to the right or the left she is not interested in you.
If the woman looked down after gazing, this is the flirting body language you are looking for.
When a woman looks down she is showing submissiveness and she does not even know it.
(Unless of course she studied flirting body language.
) Looking down implies that she is interested.
You will also see her fix her clothing, touch her lips or bite her lips, touch her hair and/or sit up straight.
This is the woman you want to go up and talk to, not the woman that looks to the left or the right after looking you in the eye.
If you are confused at the women who do not look you in the eye and just stare off into space, these women probably did not wear their glasses.
Some women take their glasses off when they go out to attract men.
Too bad for them that they did not get to see you look at them to find out if the two of you are attracted to each other by body language attraction.
Other flirting body language signs are a woman that is in a conversation with you and reaches over to touch you.
She may be agreeing with you and touches your arm or she may be laughing at something you said and pat you on the arm.
Either way she is flirting with you.
Flirting body language also is the woman who does not stand and talk to you with her arms crossed in front of her.
This means she is closed off and not into sharing information at this time with you.
If she is slightly bent forward, she is intensely listening to you and she is interested in learning more about you.
A recap of the flirting body language consists of the woman holding her gaze with you and then looking down, touching her hair, touches her lips or face, bites her lips, sits up straighter and/or once you stand or sit by her, she leans in towards you.
When a woman takes her finger and rubs it around the rim of the drink she has, this shows she is very interested in you.
She is teasing you and if you treat her well, you may get lucky that evening or in the near future.
By learning the proper signals of flirting body language you are going to easily find the women that are interested in you.