Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Write a Letter for a Job You Have Applied for But Haven't Heard Back From

    • 1). Address your letter to the same hiring manager who received your application. If you do not have a contact name, address it to the human resources department staff.

    • 2). Introduce yourself with your full name and a short description of who you are to jog the hiring manager's memory. Explain that you applied for a job at the company (name the exact job) on a specific date and list the date of application. If you've interviewed, include the interview date as well.

    • 3). Discuss your top attributes again briefly, including your education, credentials, certifications and the skills that you believe make you ideal for the job.

    • 4). Note that you're still interested in the job. Ask for an update on whether or not it is still available. If it is not available, ask if the HR representative can inform you of similar open positions at the company and consider your application for them. Provide your phone number and e-mail address at the end of the letter.

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