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How to Build a Patio Cover out of Wood

    • 1). Dig holes for the 4-by-4 posts in each corner of your patio with the post hole digger. The holes should be at least 18 to 20 inches deep.

    • 2). Measure the width and length of the patio from the holes you dug in step 1.

    • 3). Cut four 2-by-4 boards to the measurements you took in step 2. The lengths of the boards should match the width and length of the patio in step 2.

    • 4). Set the 2-by-4 boards around the perimeter of the patio and secure the ends together with 2-inch screws using the power drill. This will create a square frame.

    • 5). Place three to four 2-by-4 boards on top of the frame you created in step 4. Secure the boards with the 2-inch screws.

    • 6). Insert the 4-by-4 boards into the holes you dug in step 1. Mix cement in the wheel barrel. Add water to the mix until you have a consistency of pancake batter.

    • 7). Pour the cement into the holes until it is about 2 to 3 inches from the top of the soil. Place a level on each 4-by-4 to make sure that each board is level. Wait for the cement to dry.

    • 8). Lift the frame up to the top of the frame and secure it with the 2-inch screws. Two screws will be needed at each corner.

    • 9). Set the lattice on the roof of the patio cover and secure it to the 2-by-4 boards with nails.

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