Turmeric For Diabetes - How Brand New, Emerging Study Points to Turmeric As a Cure For Type 2
Striking new research suggests that taking turmeric for diabetes would be very helpful.
For one thing, for several thousand years doctors and healers in India have used turmeric to good effect in treating a wide range of health problems.
Almost no problems have resulted, which is not surprising as turmeric is a natural herb and spice that Indian housewives have added to their cooking since ancient times.
So taking turmeric for diabetes would not be harmful.
Research now suggests it in fact would be helpful for diabetes.
Study at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center focused on turmeric for diabetes in mice.
On looking at the blood glucose levels, and the outcome of glucose and insulin tolerance tests, it was seen that the animals fed turmeric were less susceptible to Type 2 of the disease.
This is potentially astounding.
But there is more to say about turmeric for diabetes from this study.
Because it showed that fat mice, fed turmeric, had significantly reduced inflammation in their livers and fatty tissues than the mice in control groups.
Researchers are suggesting that it is the curcumin that is responsible for this striking discovery.
It is the essential anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant element in turmeric, and the thought is that it is this curcumin that smothers some of the normal inflammation generated by obesity which would reduce insulin resistance and prevent Type 2 occurring in the mice.
Now this has to be tested on people, of course.
It is early days.
But just think about how turmeric has been successfully used to reduce inflammation in India for centuries, and that it is believed that inflammation is what triggers Type 2 diabetes in humans.
We may be on the verge of something here.
To me, this suggests that the health supplement you take should have a generous amount of turmeric for diabetes reasons.
Actually, it is not the turmeric itself that works on Type 2, as the researchers showed.
It is the curcumin.
So look around on the Internet for supplements that have a high concentration of curcumin in the turmeric used.
A good supplement will have this information.
And the best supplements will have potency of up to 95 percent curcumin in the turmeric.
Actually, you might like to begin looking by going to my web site.
There you'll find helpful information on supplements that include turmeric with a potency of 95 curcumin.
For one thing, for several thousand years doctors and healers in India have used turmeric to good effect in treating a wide range of health problems.
Almost no problems have resulted, which is not surprising as turmeric is a natural herb and spice that Indian housewives have added to their cooking since ancient times.
So taking turmeric for diabetes would not be harmful.
Research now suggests it in fact would be helpful for diabetes.
Study at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center focused on turmeric for diabetes in mice.
On looking at the blood glucose levels, and the outcome of glucose and insulin tolerance tests, it was seen that the animals fed turmeric were less susceptible to Type 2 of the disease.
This is potentially astounding.
But there is more to say about turmeric for diabetes from this study.
Because it showed that fat mice, fed turmeric, had significantly reduced inflammation in their livers and fatty tissues than the mice in control groups.
Researchers are suggesting that it is the curcumin that is responsible for this striking discovery.
It is the essential anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant element in turmeric, and the thought is that it is this curcumin that smothers some of the normal inflammation generated by obesity which would reduce insulin resistance and prevent Type 2 occurring in the mice.
Now this has to be tested on people, of course.
It is early days.
But just think about how turmeric has been successfully used to reduce inflammation in India for centuries, and that it is believed that inflammation is what triggers Type 2 diabetes in humans.
We may be on the verge of something here.
To me, this suggests that the health supplement you take should have a generous amount of turmeric for diabetes reasons.
Actually, it is not the turmeric itself that works on Type 2, as the researchers showed.
It is the curcumin.
So look around on the Internet for supplements that have a high concentration of curcumin in the turmeric used.
A good supplement will have this information.
And the best supplements will have potency of up to 95 percent curcumin in the turmeric.
Actually, you might like to begin looking by going to my web site.
There you'll find helpful information on supplements that include turmeric with a potency of 95 curcumin.