Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Acid Reflux Attacks Are Miserable - But What Are You Prepared to Do to Be Heartburn Free?

There can be few people that haven't suffered an attack of acid reflux.
There are so many causes.
It could be overindulgence in rich foods, drinking too much coffee, smoking the list goes on and on.
Most people just reach for an antacid if they suffer an attack but if you are using antacids regularly they could be contributing to the condition.
The only realistic way of getting long term relief is by making changes to your life-style of diet.
But any changes you make come with a cost.
It may be a financial cost, a cost in your time or a cost in giving up something you enjoy.
In this day of instant gratification are you willing to pay the price of long term relief? The cost to your health could be very high if you don't as long term acid reflux symptoms can damage your esophagus and lead to serious health consequences.
One of the best things you could do immediately is to cut out coffee.
This is going to be difficult and costly for some.
Large numbers of us are addicted to caffeine and rely on it to give us a lift when life's pressures put demands on our time.
You may need to reduce your coffee intake gradually.
Count the number of cups you drink a day on average, then reduce it by one and stick to it for a week - then reduce it by one again for the next week.
You could try replacing your coffee with an herbal tea.
One containing aniseed, peppermint and lavender will particularly benefit your acid reflux.
Sweeten your tea with natural honey as this will also soothe and heal the damage caused by acidity.
Increasing the amount of fruit in your diet will also help.
The cost here will be the increased expense of fruit, but the benefits to your health are huge.
Bananas will increase your fiber intake and are also known to directly reduce acid reflux.
The high enzyme content of fresh pineapple will help digest food more effectively and papaya is known to aid digestion.
Smoking is known to irritate the esophagus and strip it of its protective mucus.
Nicotine will also relax the esophageal sphincter (the valve that keeps acid in the stomach).
There is only one solution - you need to stop smoking.
But this has a huge cost as tobacco is so addictive it will need great effort to kick the habit.
The upside is that you will not only benefit your heartburn you will gain in so many ways; reduced risk of cancer, relief from bronchial disease, your respiratory system will benefit, risks to fertility are immediately lowered, your skin cells will rejuvenate, you will have more energy and without being too blunt you will no longer smell.
Of course one other massive gain will be in your wallet.
How about changing the way you eat.
Eating smaller meals allows you stomach to process food and break it down efficiently.
The only cost here is in the inconvenience of planning several more small meals, but the benefits can be huge.
Are you prepared to give up your favorite foods? Spicy foods like chili or curry can aggravate heartburn.
Too many beers or carbonated drinks can bloat your stomach forcing acid back up into your esophagus.
There is no need to cut your favorites out completely, but regarding these foods as occasional treats can drastically reduce your incidents of heartburn.
There are costs to all life changes, but the new lifestyle will soon become a habit if you are disciplined enough to stick at it, and you will be "buying" a life free of the misery of heartburn.

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