Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

What to Do For Heartburn Relief - 7 Heartburn Causes You Can Control to Alleviate Acidity Symptoms

In order to alleviate the acidity symptoms associated with acid reflux/heartburn, it's helpful to know what many of the heart burn causes are a result of, as well as what is good for heartburn relief.
Below I've provided 7 simple lifestyle changes to show you what to do for heartburn.
  1. Caffeine - The top spot goes to caffeine and its derivatives, like colas, chocolates and some teas.
    This substance can cause the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) muscle to relax, thus resulting in backward flow of digestive acids.
    This ultimately creates the acidity symptoms you experience with heartburn.
  2. Fatty Foods and Oily Foods - These substances slow down digestion because they need special enzymes to aid in their digestion.
    The problem with longer digestion is that foods begin to pile up in the stomach which increases pressure to the LES and it eventually gives way.
    This leads to digestive acids burning the esophagus.
  3. Tomatoes - Tomatoes and tomato based products are a food for heartburn concern.
    These kind of foods also relax the sphincter of the esophagus muscles.
  4. Smoking - One of the more significant heart burn causes is smoking.
    There are several reasons smoking can trigger heartburn: (a) Saliva contains bicarbonate, a compound that helps in neutralizing the stomach acid.
    Studies show smokers produce 50% less saliva than non-smokers.
    Thus, it takes longer for the esophagus to clear the acid in smokers and they experience more heartburn (b) Smoking relaxes the esophageal sphincter which thereby allows stomach acid to come up and cause heartburn.
  5. Alcohol - Alcohol also triggers heartburn for several reasons: (a) it increases the production of stomach acid (b) it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach contents to reflux back up into the esophagus (c) it makes the esophagus more sensitive to stomach acid (d) Alcohol can also lead to the development of peptic ulcers and interfere with the healing of ulcers already present.
  6. Eat Smaller Meals - Eating large meals increases pressure in the stomach and therefore weakens the LES muscle.
    Eating five or six small meals instead of three larger ones is better.
    And remember not to eat too quickly.
    This will also greatly help with indigestion relief.
  7. Keep Your Head Elevated When Laying Down - Sleeping with your head elevated can help keep stomach contents where they belong - in your stomach and not in your esophagus.
    Also, people who go to bed too soon after eating a big meal are much more likely to suffer from acid reflux than those who wait two to three hours after a meal to go to bed.
    Just as mentioned above, following this advice will aid in heartburn relief and indigestion relief.

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