- During the last month of pregnancy the baby drops lower into the uterus. You will feel heaviness in the pelvis, but will be able to breathe easier.
- Braxton Hicks contractions, or false labor, are painful, but occur irregularly. False labor helps begin the process of softening the cervix.
- At the end of pregnancy a woman's cervix begins to dilate. In early signs of the baby arriving, the cervix dilates 1 to 2 cm.
- A thick mucus has covered the cervix through the entire pregnancy and will pass via the vagina as a bloody or brownish discharge.
- The amniotic sac ruptures around the baby and will leak or flow like urine, signaling the baby is ready to arrive.
Baby "Drops"
False Labor
Loss Of Mucus Plug or "Bloody Show"
Water Breaks
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