How to Deal With Mom
1Agree to disagree. Some battles you just can't win. You may butt heads over your choice in clothes, jobs or men. Instead of dragging out the fight, just retreat and accept that she's not likely to see things your way.
Make time for her. Moms often become overbearing because they feel threatened when you start to show signs of independence. Arrange a day to hang out each week, so she backs off a little.
Help out. You can improve your relationship with your mom if you offer to help her out with her chores and errands. If she seems frazzled, volunteer to walk the dog, drop off the dry cleaning, or empty the dishwasher.
Go to your dad. If you're having a problem with your mom, you may want to talk to your dad about it. He can act as a go between and help resolve the conflict.
Give each other some space. If you seem to disagree on everything, you may just want to deal with mom by avoiding each other. If you can't find common ground, you shouldn't stress everyone out by constantly fighting.