How to Write Articles to Promote Your Internet Business - It"s All in the Mindset!
What I would like to do with this article is give you some guidelines that have helped me with writing articles, not just promoting my own Internet Business but also with other people's businesses over the years.
In fact sometimes it really helps to start off being objective with this rather than subjective.
It is often a lot easier to write about someone else's business than your own - we usually find it easier to be complimentary about other people's businesses rather than something we have worked on! It's human nature - don't be too hard on yourself if you find this is the case for you.
Just start! Here are some of my top tips for writing articles to promote your Internet Business : #1 JUST START! - OK so I am really hammering this one home but if you actually write an article, keeping it very short and simple to start with, then you will be in the top 5% of Internet Business Owners to begin with! So many people don't do anything at all, they talk about it, they might really want to do it but they never get around to it and then they don't end up learning a thing about how to write articles because they never even gave themselves a chance.
So please when you have finished reading this just go ahead and write something! You may even surprise yourself.
#2 DO YOUR RESEARCH - This could mean a lot of things to different people.
Many people think they need to be experts in a field and read a 1000 books before they have something to offer people in terms of knowledge or information.
Typically I find this is not true and often once you have written a few articles about what you offer in your business you will find that your confidence increases tenfold as you realise that you have plenty to say and lots of knowledge to offer.
I think the best place to start is to do a Google search on articles by people in the same field as you and just see what they are talking about.
Just some simple research to see what is being said by people in the same field.
This can help with tip #1! However be warned - do not get bogged down in the research stage! #3 LET IT FLOW - Once you have decided from your research, which topic you are going to talk about in relation to your Internet Business then you need to simply 'let it flow'.
By this I mean don't over plan what you are going to say but just start typing (or writing if you are that way inclined!) and let thoughts flow out onto the screen (or paper!) and don't interrupt them with your EGO voice.
This is that crazy little voice that over analyses everything and tells you that "you can't write that" or "you need to plan this a little better don't you think" etc.
I truly believe the most inspired words actually flow out and if you get out of your own way then this can be true for you too.
Once you have started writing articles specifically to promote your Internet Business you can look at collaborating in various ways with other people for example getting your articles published in places such as EzineArticles and even other Business owners E-newsletters or on Forums or Blogs.
More about this in future articles.
For now please take my advice and Just Start! but Do your Research and Let it Flow!
In fact sometimes it really helps to start off being objective with this rather than subjective.
It is often a lot easier to write about someone else's business than your own - we usually find it easier to be complimentary about other people's businesses rather than something we have worked on! It's human nature - don't be too hard on yourself if you find this is the case for you.
Just start! Here are some of my top tips for writing articles to promote your Internet Business : #1 JUST START! - OK so I am really hammering this one home but if you actually write an article, keeping it very short and simple to start with, then you will be in the top 5% of Internet Business Owners to begin with! So many people don't do anything at all, they talk about it, they might really want to do it but they never get around to it and then they don't end up learning a thing about how to write articles because they never even gave themselves a chance.
So please when you have finished reading this just go ahead and write something! You may even surprise yourself.
#2 DO YOUR RESEARCH - This could mean a lot of things to different people.
Many people think they need to be experts in a field and read a 1000 books before they have something to offer people in terms of knowledge or information.
Typically I find this is not true and often once you have written a few articles about what you offer in your business you will find that your confidence increases tenfold as you realise that you have plenty to say and lots of knowledge to offer.
I think the best place to start is to do a Google search on articles by people in the same field as you and just see what they are talking about.
Just some simple research to see what is being said by people in the same field.
This can help with tip #1! However be warned - do not get bogged down in the research stage! #3 LET IT FLOW - Once you have decided from your research, which topic you are going to talk about in relation to your Internet Business then you need to simply 'let it flow'.
By this I mean don't over plan what you are going to say but just start typing (or writing if you are that way inclined!) and let thoughts flow out onto the screen (or paper!) and don't interrupt them with your EGO voice.
This is that crazy little voice that over analyses everything and tells you that "you can't write that" or "you need to plan this a little better don't you think" etc.
I truly believe the most inspired words actually flow out and if you get out of your own way then this can be true for you too.
Once you have started writing articles specifically to promote your Internet Business you can look at collaborating in various ways with other people for example getting your articles published in places such as EzineArticles and even other Business owners E-newsletters or on Forums or Blogs.
More about this in future articles.
For now please take my advice and Just Start! but Do your Research and Let it Flow!