Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Five Simple Ways to Stop Procrastination

Many of us like to put thing off till the last minute.
There are many reasons why people procrastinate.
Lack of desire, lack of motivation, fear of failure, lack of self-esteem or confidence, overwhelmed with too many unproductive activities or just simply plain lazy.
Procrastination can be a hard nut to crack once it has become a habit.
So do not let it to grow larger and larger until it overwhelms your life.
It can give you enormous stress and ruin your life.
If you feel that you are a procrastinator, take step to stop it today! Here are five simple ways to help you stop procrastination: 1.
Get organized.
Start by tidying up your work desk, organize and put things you use everyday in their places.
Do the same with your house or apartment as well.
If you have children, teach them to put things in their places.
And the best way to teach them is to set a good example.
If you make it a habit to tidy up things around you, your children will pick up this good habit as well.
Focus on your goals.
In the hustle and bustle world we're living in, often times, we're overwhelmed with tasks that we don't know where to start.
So, take time to list down all the tasks and sort out those that are important in accomplishing your goals.
Focus and pay more attention to those tasks that will move you closer to your goals.
Be accountable and take responsibility for your own life.
Share the goals or projects you want to accomplish with your loved ones and closed friends.
By sharing, you're essentially creating an accountability for yourself.
Most of us want others to think highly of us, this is human's nature.
So the more people know your goals, the more likely you will take action.
Set deadlines to your tasks or projects.
This is very important because nothing you get done if there is no deadline.
Deadlines will give you a sense of urgency to take action and put a halt to procrastination.
Stay motivated.
There are many things you can do to stay motivated.
First, of course you must have a goal or desire for success.
Then, help yourself to stay motivated.
You can read books that are inspirational, attend seminars and hang around with people who are positive.
When you accomplish a goal (no matter how small it is), reward yourself for a job well done.
So here you have them, five simple steps to stop procrastination on its track.
Make sure you start to apply them in your daily life.

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