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How to Be a Successful Baby Breast Feeding Mother

Rush, run; push and pull; hurry up and wait; are all part of mothering and baby breast feeding.
Each action and idea works in concert with the other, no matter how far removed it may appear.
A baby knows when it's hungry and needs changing.
The pitch, tone and intensity or its cry, are all telling elements of what may be needed.
A nursing mother quickly learns the difference in her baby's cries and acts, or reacts accordingly.
When she was pregnant, her unborn baby could get her attention if she laid the wrong way.
After birth, this same baby can still get her attention.
Shortly after birth, mother and newborn develop a group of patterns and responses.
This familiarity continues into and after the infant has become a toddler and beyond.
A healthy baby will not only grow in size, they will increase in learning.
This learning includes figuring out what mom will do, if they do certain things.
If it appears babies don't care much for clothes, theirs or yours, keep in mind they enjoyed 9 months floating in perfect comfort.
They need not remind the mother, they were getting hungry.
There was no need to tolerate diaper changes, and climate control was an issue for mom.
They usually liked the idea of going along for the ride.
Or, at least, didn't put up much of a fuss until space became an issue, and they got evicted by way of child birth.
They are often well into being toddlers before concern for clothing, and fashion crosses their busy little minds.
The work of learning an expanding new world is at hand.
Remembering to dress for the weather, or what to wear is an issue for mom.
Mom needs to plan ahead for changes in weather and weather conditions in addition to taking along a cover blanket for feeding times.
Babies do not care who's watching at feeding time in public, that's mommy's job.
Mothers, if budgeting and finances allow, color coordinated covers and cover blankets to match clothing.
Doing so helps blend activities together.
What you and your baby are doing out of sight, may very well remain out of mind.
Planning ahead can make serving the basic need of a baby breast feeding not a spectator sport.
Being a mother is a full time job as much as being self employed or working for an employer.
Planning ahead concerning clothes, time and energy will help reduce the stress that comes with the unexpected.
Small things such as carrying an extra bottle of milk in the diaper bag might help keep the little one quiet, while you attend to more urgent matters.
Scheduling actives such as picking up dry cleaning and grocery shopping in the same shopping center, when possible, can save on additional wear and tear on a mother and her time.
Many small arrangements and scheduling can go a long way in saving time and energy.
All these small savings add up quickly.
Quiet time is very important and is even more so when a mother is engaged in baby breast feeding.
While her baby eats, she can rest and all involved may finish with a good day.

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