Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How do I Clean Blown Glass Pieces?

    • 1). Wipe the blown glass piece with a dry, soft cloth to remove dust and other particles from the piece.

    • 2). Fill a clean sink with a ratio of 1 cup warm (never hot) water to 1 tsp. dish soap. The exact amounts vary based upon the size of the blown glass pieces as well as the amount of pieces you're cleaning.

    • 3). Submerge a clean cloth into the soapy water. Wring the cloth out afterward to remove excess water from the cloth.

    • 4). Wipe the blown glass piece with the damp cloth to remove dirt from the blown glass piece.

    • 5). Dry the piece with another dry clean cloth. Inspect the cloth and repeat steps 2 through 4 if the piece is still dirty.

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