Technology Computer & Networking security

How to Rename Antivirus Programs to Trick Malware

    • 1). Select the filename of the anti-virus software you want to rename. Choose the .exe filename. Right-click the filename and select "Rename." It's best to rename the file before you install the software, as it's possible that the malware has already disabled your current installation of anti-virus software. Uninstall any previous installations of the software to ensure a clean installation.

    • 2). Type in the new filename in the highlighted space. Do not change the extension (.exe) of the file or it will not run. Rename the file anything of your choice, making it significantly different from its original name. Hit "Enter" on your keyboard.

    • 3). Double-click the installation filename to begin installing your anti-virus software. Your new filename should trick the malware and bypass it, allowing your anti-virus to install. If not successful, download another copy of the software on a clean computer and rename the file before transferring it to the infected computer.

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