Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Doctor Excuses for Missing Work

When you have an injury or illness that is going to require you to miss work, there are times that you will need to provide an excuse from your doctor. If you work for a large company, they may want to have the document to keep on file.

Get a Note From the Doctor

If you have any doubt about whether your company will require it, have the physician write a note while you are there. Your doctor cannot provide the diagnosis of your illness without your permission, but can provide proof of the necessity of your visit, recommend a length of absence, and mention any special accommodations you may need in order to return to work.

A doctor's excuse can offer you some protection in the event that the company decides to use absence as a reason for withholding promotion or firing you. Sick and injured workers have certain protections under US law, and an injury or illness that has been documented by a healthcare professional can provide you with the documentation necessary to keep your job.

Documenting Illnesses and Injuries

If you have an illness or injury that is going to require you to miss work for a period of time, or will require special accommodations at your place of employment, you will need to have a physician document your needs in a letter to your employer or on a form provided by your employer. The specific nature of your illness or injury does not need to be disclosed, under the protections offered by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and your employer may be required to accommodate your needs.

Familiarize yourself with the policies and protections offered by your company in its handbook, as well as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) if applicable.

Don't Fake It

Also, make sure that when you provide a doctors excuse for an absence that it is a legitimate one. There are scams, letterhead and notes available online, but your job isn't worth taking that kind of risk.

Related Articles:Absence Excuse Letter Examples | Excuses for Missing Work

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