Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

The Verbal Majority on Health Care Reform

Well it looks like health care reform may be come a reality.
No matter what you think of it, the leaders in Congress ought to be ashamed for the lack of transparency and the rush to get a bill, apparently just to get a bill, on a monumental issue like health care.
And to top it all off, certain Senators seem to be getting special considerations for their constituents.
So what has changed with the new administration? Nothing.
Time for the American public to vote everyone out of office, then maybe they will get the message.
Now, some leader may comment that, "Hey, but you don't know what's in the bill".
Exactly, and it was passed without anyone knowing fully what is in the bill.
And you claim to be working for the American Public? And I would like to see someone reassure the American public that there will be no health care rationing.
Also, please answer the critics who claim you took care of the pharma companies and also took care of the lawyers by not addressing tort reform.
And I am really getting sick and tired of hearing certain Congressionals, and members of the Administration, calling the activities at the Town Hall meetings un-American and dismissing them as non-representative.
Congress has been so out of touch and consumed with their ideals of what is right that they do not know, and apparently do not care, what the general public thinks, and apparently feels the American public cannot think for themselves.
Regarding Health Care, because this is such an important issue, why rush it? Why not take the time to first of all, read the bill, then dissect it for the American public so that a full vetting of the issue can take place and an informed decision can be made.
Part of the problem is that this is being rushed with all kinds of fears regarding what it contains, and I am guessing the rush is because the administration has the votes and wants to pass something while it still has the votes, almost regardless of what it looks like.
This is monumental legislation and will be hard to correct or undo once it is done, as it bestows and entitlement.
Therefore, it is deserving of an exhaustive investigation, outcome analysis and careful consideration of what is the best and most practical for the American public.
Congress and the Administration, please tell the American public that you are not rushing into this and have studied all the failed plans around the world and will not copy any of those failed plans.
If you cannot, then the legislation is not ready to pass.
And please tell the American public you are not bestowing an entitlement to people who are in this country illegally.
And please, for those of you Congressional morons who have the audacity to do so, STOP telling the American public you do not have time to read a bill.
IT IS YOUR JOB! And if you have a system where there is no time to read a bill, then the system is failing.
And if you do not have time to read a bill, then simply put, THE BILL IS NOT READY TO PASS!

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