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World"s Top 15 Viral Campaigns Part 1

How to make your viral campaigns work? * 85% of successful viral campaigns are simplistically entertaining * Adopt a seamless integration of active content * Invoke emotions in the audience * Create sequels * Do not restrict access Viral marketing is one of the most cost-effective techniques to bring your message across to the mass audience for most internet marketing firms.
Instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money on television commercials, newspapers ads or celebrity branding, viral marketing ensures that your fans do all the work by disseminating your message to their friends, family members and even total strangers.
But although this technique costs virtually next to nothing, you still need to learn what makes a viral campaign successful.
Firstly, hire a web designer to integrate a variety of active content seamlessly to deliver your message across to the public.
Although it's widely understood that viral campaigns generally make use of interesting Flash games, compelling video clips or emotive images to capture attention, many campaigners do not take advantage of integrating all of these components to deliver one powerful message.
A fantastic exception though is the "Why So Serious?" viral campaign launched in 2008 in the months leading up to the release of The Dark Knight.
"Why So Serious?" is integrated with countless number of touch points.
There are online games, live streaming audio, scavenger hunts, downloadable trailers, specialty items and so on hosted on one website.
Such an extensive amount of work done on this site has not only resulted in users discussing about this website design but also built up the hype of the upcoming movie.
As a result, this comprehensive campaign has earned the site over 10 million unique visitors from over 75 countries.
But if you do not have the manpower or resources to emulate the "Why So Serious?" viral campaign, then make sure you have an engaging storyline that tugs at the heartstrings of the public.
An excellent example is "A Virgins Plea" viral campaign.
A website was created in 2006 by a 25 year-old-virgin who made a bet to get 5 million hits in 30 days so he will be able to lose his virginity to a female friend.
The website only consists of a short text.
There are no Flash videos, audio or even a single picture.
Incredibly however, the website has garnered so much publicity that the creator of the website had to admit on record that the website was a hoax.
Even so, it is obvious what the impact of a simple story can do.
Web surfers who felt for the creator bombarded the site.
Although it is unwise to lie to your mass audience, it is clear that a good story can go a long way in viral marketing.
So if you have carried out a successful viral campaign, what's next? Well, don't just stop there; create sequels or other active content to keep your fan base satisfied.
"I Got A Crush...
On Obama" is a viral video created while US President Barack Obama was still a senator.
Since the video's meteoric rise in popularity, Obama Girl used her fame to launch a website.
With new videos and articles being regularly posted on the site, Obama Girl continues to be a prominent online personality.
Although these viral campaigns are different by nature, they have achieved immense success.
Another important factor to note is that all of these websites are easily accessible to everyone.
Do not make registration compulsory, or require users to download a certain software.
Also, engage in SEO service to ensure your campaign comes out tops in every search engine.
Emulate the factors of these successful viral campaigns to appeal to the mass audience.
But remember to be creative and different.
The audience likes surprises.

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