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The Purpose of knowledge is God!

The Purpose of knowledge is God!

If thinking is the interaction between mind and universe, then knowledge is the primordial produce of thought. Can we identify knowledge as the produce of the mind as an impingent result of its interaction with the universe?

If so then mind and universe have to be looked into with all possible interrogations. The universe came before man unless man invented the universe, some twenty billions of years ago. Would the universe be without our mind? Very likely so, for we are a recent phenomenon in the universe. Some nine to eight millions of years of ago, according to reliable anthropologists.

We are like all other things, objects or phenomena in the universe. A life phenomenon, being a dimension in time and space. This phenomena is among millions of other phenomena. We are not the only species in this world. Human species found on planet earth recently, and compared with the age of planet earth, about 6-5 billions of years ago, according to reliable astrophysicists.

But whether the universe is apperceived by us because we are here to acknowledge it, or not, this is not the question. The problematic is the inevitable confrontation between man and the universe. This is inevitable and inescapable. Everyone of us is furnished with a mind and everyone of us is put face to face with the universe.

From reflection on universal order, substance and constances to making a cup of tea in your kitchen, you are forced to react and think. Thinking is unavoidable. We are thinking beings and cannot escape this destiny. We are put in front of the world and are made to think about it. This is the story of your life, or everybody's life. Whether the subject is a galaxy or getting your bread and butter you are made to think about either.

What is self-imposing is the fact that every time we face an object in this world we have to think about it. We are slaves to our thoughts.

Interaction between mind and universe results in ideas and these ideas represent what we identify as knowledge. Knowledge then can be identified, and very vaguely so, as the result-product of the interaction between our mind and the universe, be it sensible or intelligible.

Here, we are faced with the mind as the means to think and acquire knowledge and the universe as the means of thought and knowledge itself.

No mind, no thinking, no knowledge. Animals and flora have to survive, whether they think is subject to discussion, for they certainly find their way to survival, like humans beings who are not better but worse in the most of cases.

The dilemma is identification of the tool of knowledge and the means of knowledge. Man, and his mind remain the most mysterious an enigmatic thing among things in our world. What is mind? Where does it come from? What is its nature? How did it constructed? Why should there be mind? Who put it in our skull? Who put us here?

Likewise a host of problematic questions that rest total enigmas deal with the universe, its origin, its structure, its substance, its laws, its control, its systems , its functions and finalities.

Here, and simply, no one knows, unless you do!

The enigmatic presence of ourselves and that of the universe suggests very strongly the need of a planner and a programmer, a power that is capable of creating atoms, putting it together and shaping it in the form of the objects constituent of the universe. This power must have absolute control over it, dispose of it at leisure and sustain it in its form and shape, for as long as He sees fit. Unless you have an objection yourself!

If we accept this logic, for who other than God made it all, then our knowledge stems directly from God. Would He be then not only the sources of knowledge, universe and mind and the interaction between the two, or three, but also knowledge itself.

For, where would ideas come from if not from God?

Tell us with your genius mind, which you must have created, to think with!

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