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Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is a site where rivers of blood flowed during the Civil War. More soldiers died at the battle of Gettysburg in three days than in the entire Vietnam War. In just twenty-four hours of actual fighting, fifty-one thousand men were killed €" one man dead every two seconds. Many men didn't even get a funeral and simply rotted on the field where they fell.

This makes Gettysburg the home to some very angry spirits. At the Gettysburg and Northern Railroad engine house, employees have claimed to see doors opening and slamming shut and also hear footsteps in the halls. The paranormal team, Ghosts of Gettysburg, calls it one of their most haunted spots and has recorded electronic voice phenomena of a priest calling to heaven while tending to a wounded soldier.

The Daniel Lady Farm is another haunted location that is home to the spirits of fallen soldiers. It served as a makeshift hospital during the battles, and was the site of many amputations, disease, and death. With the aid of a psychic, Ghosts of Gettysburg have communicated with a soldier named Isaac Trimble, who directed them to the very spot where he died. Further investigation revealed that there was, in fact, a soldier named Isaac Trimble and ultraviolet light showed blood on the floor at the spot where the spirit claimed to have died. Tourists have seen the images of generals and soldiers in their pictures, including one that looks suspiciously like Robert E. Lee.

Across town, more hauntings have been reported at the Cashtown Inn. During the Civil War, the inn was ground zero for many soldiers, and it was actually the site of the first casualty of that infamous battle. Visitors and employees have claimed to witness several different kinds of unexplained occurrences at the inn. There has been thumping on the doors and floors, lights switching on and off, and doors locking and unlocking themselves. Not only that, but there is also a famous picture from 1905 with a very clear image of a man standing at the doorway. The Cashtown Inn isn't the only haunted place to stay if you find yourself tired in Gettysburg.

Built in 1797, the Gettysburg Hotel was originally a bank, but it served many roles throughout the years, including it being a frequent stop for soldiers. There have been numerous accounts of a man standing in the vault, and Ghosts of Gettysburg claim to have communicated with him. The man reportedly said his name was Culbertson, and further investigation revealed a James F. Culbertson to be a real soldier from Gettysburg.

Yet another haunted resting place is the Baladerry Inn, which was once a Union field hospital during day two of the battle. Curious visitors can flip through the pages of an entire scrapbook full of images and experiences culled from the numerous sightings throughout the years. Pictures have shown two soldiers standing outside, and one of them was even seen wearing a black armband for Stonewall Jackson, a common practice by soldiers at the time. Confederate soldiers are also allegedly buried underneath the tennis court at Baladerry, and have been seen roaming the grounds.

Being the site of such rampant bloodshed, it's no surprise that Gettysburg is so haunted. Fifty-one thousand men died all over the city during the three days of battle there and could not find peace, leaving them unable to cross over to the other side. Scores of tourists have left the town shaken and stirred from their experiences here, disturbed by the presence of these spirits, and that is just part of what earns Gettysburg its title as one of the most haunted cities in America.

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